Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Usual whining from a pregnant woman

These last few weeks I have felt like a coiled rattle snake that everyone wants to poke with a stick.  I don't want to be the rattle snake, honestly but with these damn hormones... 

I don't know how much higher my blood pressure could've gotten today.  First thing today, I see that my MIL has called from her work.  It's never a good thing when she calls during the day.  It ALWAYS means she wants something.  I checked the machine but there was no message.  (not that I would've been the one to call her back... I don't deal with my husband's certifiably insane mother)  I go to my mom's and complain about how I know that she's called my husband's cell wanting something.  I talked to my husband and he tells me that she called wanting him to LEAVE work and take OUR car to her because her's won't start.  She knew this was coming for MONTHS.  Her car hasn't been starting on and off.  Do you think she even attempted to save anything to take care of it herself?  Yeah right.  This woman thinks the world owes her because she had a shitty life and an ex-husband that beat the shit out of her.  I don't owe her anything, notta, nil.  My husband says he went and picked up her prescriptions and that was the end of it.  I'm thinking I can go home without blowing a gasket.  I get there and think I see my husband pulling out of the driveway so instead of stopping at the front door, like I normally do, I drive up to the garage to see where he's going.  No, it's my MIL, driving my husband's car.  Ok, blood pressure is rising.  She's acting like I should be happy to see her and says that her car is messed up again.  (in a way that says I should say awww you poor pathetic thing)  I nod but say nothing, hoping she'll just leave but I know since I have Jasmine, that's not going to happen.  She says, I was going to just say hi to her.  I'm like fine whatever, then maybe she'll go before I kill her.  I go to get Jasmine and Tarin (I took one of my aussie's with me to my mom's house) and she shuts off the engine to our car.  Shit, that means she's thinking she's staying for a while.  (not happening because I was on my way to tell husband to make his mother go... now)  Husband comes outside and goes to bring Tarin into the backyard when that little piece of crap foster dog, Monty runs through the gate... and doesn't stop running.  All these things go through my head, he's going to get hit, I'm going to have to explain what happened to the board of directors.  I take off running down my (fairly long) driveway screaming his name and no, no, no, like a crazy person.  I almost caught up to him when he hit the street but being that I'm human and know that cars make you go splat, I stopped to look.  A car was coming but they slowed way down when they saw the dog.  Monty gets into the neighbors yard across the street and starts sniffing things so I figure maybe he'll chill out and I can catch him but as soon as I get across the street he starts to take off again.  That is until he noticed how close I was, then he rolled on his back and tucked his tail.  He got carried very NOT nicely back up the driveway, me cursing the entire time.  So now I'm in a really bad mood.  Shawn takes Jasmine away from his mom and tells Jas that she's leaving and his mom is like oh, okay.  After I'm in the house for a while I hear the whole story.  She has rent due... days ago and didn't bother to go out and pay it then so now she has no car and has to pay her rent.  She also has a bill due that was due days ago but again, too lazy to go out and do it.  I have no idea why my husband loaned the car to him.  We have bailed her out so many times that I could buy myself a new car with all the money we've GIVEN her (because even if she says she'll pay us back, you might as well kiss it goodbye because it doesn't happen), gas wasted taking her from here to there, arguments that me and my husband have had over her.  (he's a sick of her as I am but I get pissed when he gives into her and then bitches to me about it)  I have never said a negative word to my MIL's face but had she been here tonight after I heard everything, she would've left crying.  I am just so fed up with putting everything on hold for whatever she needs.  She only calls when she wants/needs something from us.  She's in her fifties for christ sake when does she become the parent?  I have no sympathy for people who put themselves in the situations their in because of plain laziness.  I knew this would happen eventually.  That old Toyota wouldn't last forever.  I've asked my husband for years what is going to happen when that car dies.  His response has always been basically I don't know and she's shit out of luck.  She has no idea that I'm pregnant and won't know for at the very least several more months unless my husband says it to her in a nasty way.  (he doesn't want her to know, I couldn't care less)  I know I say very little about her, ever, mainly because I was always concerned that she'd find my blog and then be hurt and as much as I can't stand this woman, I am not someone who goes out and purposely hurts people. (if I was this blog would be a whole lot longer and then I'd email it to her for effect)  I'm just almost to that point of not caring anymore whether she knows or not.  It won't make a difference.  I've heard the phone conversations between my husband and her and no matter what he's ever said to her, she calls again two weeks later asking again for something.  *sigh*  I was hoping writing about it would make me feel better but alas, I was wrong.

I think I've actually been losing weight the last few weeks.  I'm having such a hard time eating much of anything that it's a wonder I haven't gotten sick from it.  Tonight for dinner I was able to choke down one whole hotdog before I started feeling like it should just come right back up.  I forced another one down as I knew I wouldn't be eating again for a while.  That was the extent of what I've eaten today, no wait, that's a lie, I had a small bowl of ice cream later on.  I always feel hungry but eating is so painful that I'd rather deal with the hunger pains for as long as possible.  I'll make up for it when I stop feeling like death. 

I keep forgetting to update on the kittens.  They made a huge turn after just one night of medication.  I gave them medicine the first night and then went to bed.  I honestly wasn't sure if the little white one would be alive in the morning.  She could hardly breathe at all with the gunk in her nose.  When I went in to check on them, she had no gunk, no nothing.  Everyone will continue getting their medicine for a while longer and then they can be fixed and sent on their way. 


Anonymous said...

That MIL sounds like she is a real user and loser.  I'm sorry you are stuck with her.  Linda

Anonymous said...

I hope that your days get better for you and you arent sick anymore, and the MIL stays away, and the animals behave themselves. BIG HUGS, Kelly

Anonymous said...

I was married to an idiot who was attached to his mother's hip bone literally. Every day off, holiday you name it was at his parents home. Christ I worked for them I didn't want to see them the little time I had off. In any other incident in my life, I always did for myself. Using abuse and the poor me attitude has always gotten me pissed off too. In my entire life the only time I haven't worked has been the last 4 years. Even then I still pay my own bills and take care of my own issues. Doc does the same. We may live together but we each have our responsibilities. Your right, your MIL needs to grow up big time. You and Shawn have enough on your plate with a little one on the way without having to bail her out as well. (Hugs) Indigo