Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kitties and ca-booms

Some days it seems like I could write a book on here, whereas other days I seem to have nothing to say at all.  I finally got pictures of all the kittens.  They're eyes aren't completely healed yet but I took a wet washcloth and wiped them up.  I have to get their pictures up on the website before they get too old.  They get to a certain age and it's near impossible to get rid of them, especially some of these guys.  They're basic gray/white kittens and don't really stand out among our others.  I have on buff kitten and he'll probably go pretty quickly.  I just need to get them completely healthy and then they'll go on to one of the other fosters. 

My stomach continues to feel bigger.  I know I'm showing but not to the point that strangers think 'oh look she's pregnant.'  It would be more like 'Hmmm, someone needs to do some ab workouts.'  Some of my food aversions seem to be lessening now, although I still feel a bit queasy first thing in the morning.  The second trimester is supposed to be the "best" as far as how you feel.  We're planning on going hiking in a few weeks.  It's only for the day so I should be pretty good with it.  If we were planning on doing something that involved the ab region, I wouldn't be able to do it. 

We also worked it out so that we can do a few fireworks this year.  I came up with the idea of having everyone pitch in $25 and then we have the 4th at my mom's with hamburgers and hotdogs.  We've got $100 but Shawn and I may add another ten or so to that if needed.  The place we're going to is buy one get one free of everything.  I'd like to do a few bigger things and some fountains.  I used to think fountains sucked and were a waste of time but then I had a kid and they think they're the coolest thing in the world.  Makes them not so worthless when you see a little ones face light up.  Now I have to go find my coupons to the stupid place.  *Sigh*  I lose everything right now.


Anonymous said...

Can't buy fireworks in NY.  Too bad... Linda

Anonymous said...

Firworks are illegal here in PA but people still do it and usually blow off one of their limbs or catch their house on fire.  I bet the kittens are sweet, hope you put their pics up here too.  Glad your belly is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

We just skip on over to Alabama and get our fireworks. Its illegal here in Georgia, but everyone shoots them off anyway. I think they are fun as long as its done responsibly. We got some great ones last year...I hope we get over there to get some this year. Hugs, kelly

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen fireworks in a few years. Pickles is deathly afraid of the noise and she whines pitifully if she's left in her crate while they are going off. Small price to pay for her beautiful spirit. I just let the last of my kittens go a few weeks ago. I'm going in withdrawal not having a porch full of cats to tend to. I'm seriously thinking of foster a litter for the shelter. I just got the last stray female fixed. First time ever I was able to catch one and get her in the cage without coming away with a scar. I think I'm getting better at it..(winks). Glad to hear the rumbling in your stomache has settled down and your not getting as sick as you were. (Hugs)Indigo