Friday, June 6, 2008

And puppy dog tails

Husband comes home tonight with his tail tucked.  I just don't understand why he can't act like he feels bad at the time instead of acting like a... MAN.  (sorry guys *wink*)  I'm not sure if his friend said something to him or if he realized on his own.  (I make his friend cookies so I can do no wrong in his eyes.. haha)  He says he's going to stay home the rest of this weekend now.  (he was going fishing tomorrow morning)  It doesn't do much for me though because I can see it going back to the same thing in a couple of weeks. 

Last night was a long one.  For starters, I was having trouble falling to sleep worrying about what the doctor was going to say when I would see him.  And then to make matters worse, once I finally fell asleep, Jasmine would wake up screaming every few hours that her tummy hurt and that she was going to throw up.  She didn't actually achieve her goal till she was actually awake for the day and then she did it while I was on the phone with the OB's office.  (she never took her eyes off the tv... just turned her head to the side and went right back to her show!)  The second time was in the OB's waiting room.  That's always embarrassing.  Plus, she managed to get most of it on ME since she was sitting on my lap.  The rest of the afternoon she complained that her tummy hurt but didn't have any more incidents.  I dropped the foster dogs off at my director's house for the night.  We have an adoption event in the morning and she's going to take them for me and I'll pick them up in the afternoon.  While we were there Jasmine got to see a baby chicken.  She wanted to get out of the car and see them all but we were in a hurry.  I hope to have no fosters tomorrow.  *fingers crossed*  I know there's a few people going to look at Doodle and Monty is a little fru-fru dog so people will want to look at him.  I don't think I'll have Monty back anyways because I told my director that the dog annoys the crap out of me.  (just making conversation, not trying to get out of my foster duties)  She said we could switch fosters and I would take a border collie mix instead of Monty.  If I have any luck at all, he'll be adopted too.  I know I'm being awful.  :-O 


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I'm like you ... worrying all night before a doctor's appointment about what he's going to say.  And nearly always, the worrying is all for nothing.  I always end up leaving thinking "Wouldn't it be great just to take it all in stride and just show up, without having gone through all the needless worry?"  But then the next time comes around and I go through it all again ...

Anonymous said...

Since you are opening your house to these dogs it should be your choice who you foster and you definately have to like them!