Tuesday, June 17, 2008


In approximately 12 hours, I will be trading fosters.  I currently have Doodle and will be getting an aussie/shepherd mix.  (at least that's what they claim he is... I never believe there's any aussie in a dog till I see for myself, usually ends up being cattle dog mix)  They are concerned that the dog will escape the current foster homes fencing so they'll be taking Doodle.  I typically use Shawn as the excuse as to why I won't do more than one foster at a time (they wanted me to take both of them) but here lately, I haven't wanted more than one either.  It's a huge strain, that extra dog.  I'll also be dropping off my kittens at the same foster home so she can take them to be spayed/neutered the next morning.  Everyone looks good in the group, except for Jesse who suddenly has an icky eye.  I hope he'll still be able to have the surgery. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck to all the kitties.  I don't blame you for not wanting more than one, especially now with all you have going on.