Thursday, June 12, 2008

Maybe I'm the One, Maybe I'm the One

I've had a hell of a day today.  It's one of those days that you have to wonder if the world isn't just one big idiot growing gene pool.  I got to stand in a long line at Walmart (though it didn't bother me, I was in no hurry and KNEW it would be busy that time of day) and listen to several overweight women moan about how their weren't enough lines open.  (while listening, I counted 15 lines open)  One of the ladies was in the complimentary motorized chair they have and I kept wondering why are you bitching when all you have to do to go anywhere is move you thumb and inch one way or another?  These women got to the point where they were YELLING to customer service that more lines needed to be open, while they were still in line.  Doesn't anyone feel humiliation anymore?  Yes, there were Walmart employees who WERE NOT tending to a line... they had JUST gotten off work but you didn't stop to think that.  And besides, it's frickin' Walmart, how much service do you really expect?  I had been to several stores looking for my ice cream bars but I hadn't found them yet.  If I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't have continued driving around but you know I did.  I eventually found them at Meijer (a store that is so far only in IN, KY, OH, MI and IL but is similar to Walmart only better service and more normal priced items) and just about did a happy dance.  They were hidden behind some other bars so initially I thought they were out to.  Once I realized they had some though, I scooped them all into my cart.  Ha, take that, all mine.  I won't have to drive around for them for another two days.  *kidding!*  While there I wanted to try on some maternity shorts I had seen a few days earlier and of course, picked up a few more items to try on since I was already going to the fitting room.  Last time I tried something on there, you could just walk in but apparently things have changed since then.  I stood next to the fitting rooms, and watched the woman who was obviously working that are, talk on the phone which became apparent was a personal call.  She looked right at me and continued on with her phone call.  Ok, maybe she thinks I'm waiting for someone.  I eventually follow her and interrupt her conversation about her shoulder pain to ask if I need someone to open the doors for me.  My mouth dropped when she said to the person on the phone 'Ugh, I have to GO.'  She went and opened the door for me all the while complaining that if I wasn't out of the fitting rooms by 10:30 that she would have to stand and wait for me to finish.  Uh, lady it's like 9 o'clock, if it takes me an hour and a half to try on two dresses, a shirt and a pair of shorts then I shouldn't be allowed to breed.  And I'm also told to come find her afterwards so that she can lock the doors back up.  If she hadn't been super nice when I went to find her and tell her we were done, I would've went and filed a complaint with customer service.  I try to give people the benefit of the doubt (I know hard to believe coming from ME) and just assume that maybe they're having a really bad day or something is going on in their personal life, etc and let it go.  I ended up buying the shorts (which were WAY cheaper than anything I could've bought at Motherhood Maternity) and tomorrow I'm going to go back and get two of the summer dresses.  They aren't maternity but they're a good enough size that I think they'll be fine and they're made of really lightweight material.  I figure by August, I won't want to be bothered with much in the way of clothes and at least dresses have their own air conditioning.  (look mom, no seams!) 

I found something I can eat that won't make me sick.  (besides the ice cream bars) *sigh* It's canned spaghetti.  Yes, the stuff kids eat that doesn't taste anything like spaghetti.  At this point, I'm willing to try just about anything.  Most nights after dinner I spend at least an hour laying on the couch whining and whimpering.  It's been awful.  I've been making my favorite comfort foods all week for dinner and they haven't brought me much in the way of comfort.  And of course, the things I crave and want the most are things that are fried, greasy and spicy.  (mmm... ugly sticks... ok for those of you not from around here, they're fried bread sticks that come with nacho cheese sauce and they are fantastic little artery clogging pieces of heaven from a bar down the road from my mom's)  I can also drink frozen cokes but that has drawbacks too.  Turns out that since I've had almost no caffeine since I got pregnant, that now even a coke sets me off into a whirlwind of jabbering craziness that usually is only invoked by good ole caffeine rich coffee. 

I have so many little stories from today that I'm not going to post anymore... ok one more.  I walk into the gas station to get me and Jasmine a frozen coke.  There were half a dozen fourteen year old boys getting some too as I walked in.  The basic gist I got from their conversation as I walked into another isle was something along the lines of 'look at those boobies.' (speaking of *sigh* me... stupid pregnant boobs) And another said they're even better than such-n-such's mom's boobs.  I don't think they realized I was in the isle right behind them or else they just didn't care.  I waited for them to filter out till I went to get me and Jasmine's drink.  I didn't feel like being oggled.  I fill up my drink and put a regular lid on because they were out of the frozen coke lids for a 44oz.  One of the boys has the nerve to come up to me and treat me as if I'm stupid, telling me that I used the wrong lid.  Not a good idea little boy.  My answer 'Well, smartguy, they're all out of those lids so I guess a smart person would use the other ones.'  He waited outside for his friends after that.  And can you believe that I actually felt badly for being so snippy with him later.  I began telling myself that it's not easy being that age and he probably felt like an idiot and I don't know that he was one of the boys talking about my tah-tah's.  What the hell is wrong with me?

Earlier, as me and Jasmine pulled into Walmart, the song Stairway to Heaven came on.  You can never tell when she's paying attention to the radio or not.  One of the first songs she learned to recognize was a Beastie Boys song, 'Fight for your Right to Party.'  A more recent one (and I honestly had NOTHING to do with teaching it to her, it must have something to do with the fact that I turn it up when it comes on) is a song by Puddle of Mudd called Psycho and she sings the opening lines "Maybe I'm the one, Maybe I'm the one" the following lyrics she's a bite shabby on but they go 'Maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho'  She usually leaves out schizophrenic.  So you'd think I wouldn't be surprised when she starts singing stairway to heaven.  But she sang the entire song, a song she's only heard maybe once.  Granted, she let them sing the words first and then she repeated them but she sang the whole effin thing.  I just sat in the parking lot waiting for it to end and then she said 'I like this song.  You like this song?'  It's just too bad I didn't have a camcorder or something on me.  As usual, this blog has went on too long and I need a shower.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't even know where to begin in replying to this entry!  It was entertaining, amusing and downright funny!  I love you sister!  Linda