Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ah hell

Yesterday, my husband told me that after he got home, Rocky the pit bull got loose.  Nothing new so I didn't give it a second thought other than to realize that he too would have to go on a tie out till we figured it out.  (can we say electic fence anyone??)  After about an hour, I had to go get some clothes out of the dryer.  The washer and dryer are in the backroom, where the dogs spend a great deal of their time.  Upone entering the backroom, I was hit with such a strong aroma that I literally took a step back.  While Rocky was out of the yard, he decided to roll in something.  That something was a pile of skunk pee and poop.  Usually the smell doesn't bother me but on that particular day, it made me want to vomit.  I haven't touched the dog since.  And no, tomato juice does NOT work.  Years ago, two of our dogs were directly sprayed by a skunk and were bathed in gallons of the stuff, only slightly muting the smell.  Thankfully, since Rocky wasn't sprayed, his smell is rapidly decreasing.  Until the smell is gone, he is my husband's problem.

I was supposed to attend an adoption event today.  You're also supposed to sleep a few hours a night.  I wasn't able to sleep all night, tossing and turning.  Jasmine woke up at six am so I got her some breakfast and a dvd and tried to sleep again.  At about nine, I woke up my husband and told him I was DONE and he could deal with her.  Still I tossed and turned.  I was fretting about the bills so I figured if I just worked out the bills that I would finally get an hour or two of sleep.  It worked but I slept through my alarm which I had set for two in the afternoon.  I'm not sure if my husband tried to wake me up or not.  I woke up at seven with both Jasmine and Shawn asleep next to me.  Crap.  Thankfully, we weren't going to be busy today as we were only having cats and Princess.  (well, if she had driven herself, Princess would've been there)  I explained myself in an email (which I HATE doing because what it comes down to is making excuses for why I let someone else down) and asked for advice with Princess who throws up several times a day.  (only stomach bile... I was basically asking for permission to take her to the vet)

After finally crawling out of bed (with a migraine no less) we went to get some food and grocery's.  Taking the two of them to the store with me is always a nightmare.  It wouldn't be quite so bad if my husband could take a chill pill and understand that our daughter is two and doesn't listen very well.  As long as she is fairly quiet, stays out of the others way and I can see her, I pretty much let her have a long leash.  My husband on the other hand wants her to walk directly next to the cart like an angel and never make a sound.  Never.  Going.  To.  Happen.  It basically ends up a power tug-o-war between the two of them the entire time we are out, leaving me telling them both to shut up or nobody gets to ride the pony. 

Monday we have a large fundraiser so I will spend most of the evening there.  Thankfully, it's at a restaurant.  Food, alcohol and a WHOLE bunch of crazy women.  It should make for an interesting combination.

Princess. is. driving. me. nuts.  The dog whines all day and night.  Never being in a house before causes her to be confused when she's in one.  I cannot wait for this dog to leave.  Cannot wait.  The next dog I foster, I will go to the shelter and pick out myself so that when it ends up being a manic pain in the ass, it will be all on me.  I want to put a shock collar on her and zap the crap out of her everytime she so much as breathes whiny.  She wouldn't be such a bad dog if she would chill out and shut up.  My director says it's good to have one once and a while that doesn't "steal your heart." 


Anonymous said...

I don't envy you at all!  :)  

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I'm so sorry to hear about Princess being a pain ... she looked so nice in the picture.  Hopefully she'll be off your hands soon enough.  And just the thought that you'd have to deal with the aroma of skunk pee and poop in your laundry room of all places?!?  What a day.  No wonder you wanted to sleep it all off!!!
Hang in there.
P.S.:  I agree about the Starbucks food! (I usually get the "provisions" either at the cafe or grocery store nearby)

Anonymous said...

I know that skunk smell makes mw want to throw up.  Ick.
Tie outs are illegal where I live.  This law was recently passed.  

Anonymous said...

Pets make our lives interesting...and smelly!


Anonymous said...

Awe, too bad Princess is getting on your nerves so much.  Between her & Jasmine I would be going bonkers, throw the hubby in and I may be standing on a ledge!
I have something I bought when Buddy was skunked and it works great, takes ALL of the odor out.  I am at work right now but if you want the name of it (good to keep on hand) email me to remind and I'll send it to you.  I don't endorse products easily but this one is good.  Hope tonite goes well for you.

Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment around there is there? ;) Hope you get the smell out of the doggie. Poor Princess...she sounds terribly tortured by some invisible force. :( I hope she gets better with it whatever is going on in her head. Kelly