Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It was inevitable

I started training Princess with 'sit' last night and today she already has it down!  She is very food motivated so that helps.  She and Mia got into a "fight" today.  Basically they made a bunch of scary noise but didn't leave so much as spit on each other.  I knew it was coming sooner or later.  Mia is on the moody side and Princess had about enough of listening to her growl.  Afterwards they were fine.  Dogs don't hold grudges with other dogs.  Now when it comes to humans, they never forget if you neglect them or treat them wrong. 

Every day I've been waking up feeling crappy.  For two days I woke up with a migraine and then today I woke up with an upset stomach.  Wonder what tomorrow will bring.  On top of that, the very first thing I heard was Brett Favre retires after 17 years with the Green Bay Packers.  I started crying.  I understand his reasons.  17 years is a long time to get the shit knocked out of you everyday.  I'm most upset over the fact that I will never see him play.  I was going to get tickets this year, even if I had to go by myself because I knew his time was coming to an end.  I just wanted one more year.  I'm still in a bit of shock and it hasn't totally registered, otherwise I think I'd be in one of my moods for a few days.  I love you Brett and I will always be a Packer fan but we will never feel quite the same. 


Anonymous said...

I was sad to hear Brett is retiring too ~ I think everyone is whether or not they are a Packers fan.  He is a class act, not to be topped by anyone.  Princess sounds like she has a lot of potential, I hope she ends up with someone who will put the time in to training her.

Anonymous said...

I tend to remember the saying, "a little love goes a long ways" with the strays. Patience and love work wonders with these animals. I think Princess is starting to respond favorably to you. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I'm not surprised that Princess is a quick learner ... you can tell she's intelligent from the photo!  I think she's going to become very attached to your family very quickly.