Monday, March 31, 2008

Seeing red

I'll be returning Rodeo to the vet tomorrow.  I noticed something oozing from his incision tonight and it appears to be fabric in nature.  (gauze)  If they left something in him, I will be furious.  I also will not be responsible for any bills from tomorrow if that is the case.  Leaving something in him would require another surgery to remove whatever it is, a lot more antibiotics and a lot longer with the E-collar on.  It also appears to be severely inflamed, possibly infected.  Good lord, I will be pissed.


Anonymous said...

I hope they didn't screw things up, poor dog is having enough problems.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Yikes ... how aggravating ... and poor Rodeo unable to tell you what's going on.  I'm trying to envision "gauze" oozing from a wound.  Sounds bad.  Beyond the question about bills, it's just plain incompetant.

Anonymous said...

It just goes from bad to worse for this poor guy....I hope it isn't a major deal.