Friday, March 7, 2008

Loooong neck bottle ... sorry it's been stuck in my head

I am getting so frustrated.  I had this great idea for a rat cage.  I was going to take my old super pet cage that had been used for my ferrets and rat proof it.  Unfortunately, the wood I need, no one seems to have ever heard of and the fencing I need seems to be out of stock everywhere.  I would like melanite wood as it resists water.  Rats tend to pee where ever the hell they are walking so I need something that is nonporous.  I didn't want to buy wood and then have to seal it with a polymer but it's looking more and more like that's what is needed for what should've been a very easy project.  The wood is going to be used as shelving.  The current shelves in the cage would be way to far apart for even the largest rats.  I need the wire/fencing to keep them from escaping.  (when ever I read or see the word escape, I think of Finding Nemo when Dorie says Eh-scap-eh)  This was supposed to be a very simple project.  Now, I could scrap the whole idea but I'm too stubborn for anything that easy.  Besides, I was planning this same thing for my next cage only I was going to use an old kitchen cabinet and cut out a mesh door from the cabinet door, add shelves and you have a cage.  I'll just have to go to one of the home improvement stores and ask one of the underpaid employees if they have any ideas. 

I became a little bored tonight.  This always spells trouble.  I hate my bathroom.  It looks like an old persons bathroom and is very outdated.  Now I don't have the means to update it to a nice new state of the art potty so I have to improvise with what I have.  My husband hates when I get bored and it usually happens while he's asleep, not giving him a chance to prevent my antics.  I removed all the hardware from the vanity so that I can prime and paint them black tomorrow.  I figure since I'll already have the metal primer and paint, I might as well do the floor vents in all of the house, kill two birds with one stone so to speak.  (is that really possible by the way?  would I have to throw the stone so hard that it went straight through the first bird, hitting a second and killing them both?)  I'm also going to look at wood primer and paint tomorrow since I'll be out for the rat stuff any ways.  Again, can't afford a new vanity so I have to make do with what I have.  I'm going to go with white cabinets, black hardware and white (fake) tile walls.  A great deal of my house is paneled walls.  It was the *in* thing at some point and time so my grandparents decided to go crazy with it and then never went back.  I can't afford (there's that word again, ugh) to do drywall even in the bathroom (nor do I want that headache again) so I am going to buy updated tile paneling and hope that I can make it look presentable.  Hopefully, in the next six months we can purchase a new shower/bath and replace that as well.  The bathroom could just really use a boost before we go to sell.  I'm trying to stick with the higher selling points in houses, the kitchen, bathroom and master bedroom.  We'll be putting new flooring in the kitchen before we sell but I think that's all we'll be able to afford there.  In the master bedroom we'll be ripping up the 50 year old carpet and no I'm NOT joking.  In it's place will be lament wood flooring.  I'm also going to try and fix the walls and repaint them a neutral color.  I would like to replace both ceiling fixtures in the living room with two identical fans with lighting.  We currently have a fan w/o lights on one side of the room and an ugly basic ceiling light on the other side.  I'm trying to do low cost updates that will get the most cost increase on the house.  I hate the housing market right now but I have to get started sometime, no better time than now.  Plus, my husband *finally* handed over the checking account along with the bills to me so I can save money where needed and get things going instead of living week to week.  There are very few houses for sale in our area so maybe that will be a good thing when we go to sell.  It's actually a nice neighborhood and normally very crime free.  As far as I know, this house has only been broken into once in fifty years and no one was home at the time.  Our neighbor was arrested by the FBI years and years ago.  That was an interesting scene for my grandpa, I'm sure.  The house was surrounded by SWAT, FBI and ATF.  No one ever bothered to tell us what happened but I'm guessing the nice quiet neighbor was in some knee deep shit.  My mom and I arrived as they were finishing searching the house.  A new neighbor lives there now and they don't seem to care for us much... at all.  Another incident was with the police chasing some idiot through the fenced backyard.  That's when my grandpa said maybe a dog would be a good idea.  ;)  I don't plan on telling in possible future owners those stories though.  I'm going to move out to the boondocks and live and let live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been saying for 6 months I am re-doing my dining room and baths.  Don't ask how they came out, I haven't started. LOL  Good luck with it, you can do alot of great things for not alot of $$$, just painting & changing decor can make a huge difference.