Friday, March 7, 2008

Who knew I could cook?

Something kind of exciting happened for me today.  (well at least exciting in my neck of the woods)  Last night I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies as I was having a craving.  I decided it would be dangerous to my waist line to leave over fifty cookies lying around the house so I sent more than half to work with my husband and told him to give them out.  One of the guys who tried them said that he likes them so much that he wants to buy a batch from me!  Ok, I like my cookies better than anyone else's or any store brand but I wasn't sure other people felt the same way.  Now I have to find a price for them.  Initially I was just going to give him a batch but then I thought that could be dangerous if other people decided they wanted some as well.  If I told my husband that I suddenly had to start charging, some people may be offended and think I (or he) was playing favorites.  I have to start sending him to work with goodies more often!  Baking is NOT something I want to do for a living but earning an extra twenty here and there isn't a bad a idea.  (it takes three hours of standing over hot cookies and a hot stove to make these cookies so no I do not want to make a living at it)  I'll have to make sure to tell him that they are best if you put them in the microwave for 15 seconds before eating them.  They're still cool enough to eat but the chocolate is melted.  This is my own recipe that I tweaked from the back of a nestle chocolate chip bag.  My husband said a few other people were asking how they could get more as well.  Maybe I should include a warning, expanding waistline cannot be blamed on producer of said cookies.  (it takes two sticks of unsalted butter to make a batch)  Soon I hope to learn how to make my aunt's unbelievable chicken and dumplings.  Send that to work with him too.  ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Am getting hungry just reading your entry ... am heading down to Starbucks for some provisions ...

Anonymous said...

How cool ~ next I'll see you on QVC selling your cookies!