Monday, March 3, 2008

The long or more short of it

Well, Princess has truly taken to my husband.  The dog who was terrified of men just days ago, is now infatuated with him.  If I call her name, she wags and comes to me but if he calls her name, she runs and jumps all over him, licking as she goes.  We are having some issues with the cats.  Once again, I was told she was good with cats.  I think their cats are smart and hide till the dogs are put away.  My cats own my house and feel no need to hide.  I'm going to buy a spray bottle later on today and spray her with water everytime she goes after one.  She is officially up for adoption now and should be at this weekend's adoption event. 

Waiting for my ferret cage to arrive.  It was the one thing I wanted out of profit sharing.  I hate that cage we have now.  It's very difficult to clean and not really big enough for three ferrets.  I have to tear it completely down to clean it.  It's 100lbs. and I only paid seven bucks S&H.  That's good shipping on anything, let alone something that heavy. 

I got my haircut on Saturday.  It's only an inch long in the back.  It's also brown now instead of blonde.  I will post pictures shortly.  It's taking some getting used to but I like it.  It takes a hell of a lot less time to dry now that's for sure.  It's about four or five inches in the front.  I honestly let my hair dresser decide exactly what to do when I go in.  I bring a picture of what I want and tell them to go with it and however they feel will look best.  Let's face it, no matter what kind of picture you bring in, your hair will probably not look much like it when all is said and done.  I love the hair dye they use.  It gradually fades out over time and doesn't look awful as it does.  I won't have to worry about my roots showing in a month.  (I won't be able to afford to dye it again that soon!) 


Anonymous said...

Save yourself the $$$ and do your own coloring~ I used to go every 5 or 6 weeks and at $125 a pop I realized how stupid it was.  I do my own and it looks the same.  I'm happy Princess is coming around.  Funny, some peoples definition of "good with cats (or dogs)" can be so different.  

Anonymous said...

catching up and glad to hear that the new foster is doing better. Ian always jokes with our Tip. He will play around like he is going to whack Tip on the head and you can tell she has never been hit in her she just thinks OH ITS TIME TO PLAY!!!! and proceeds to jump around and try to find her toy. Hate that any dog has to go through such traumatizing things. I know you will find her a great home. Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
That's great that Princess seems to be taking to both your husband and you.  I'm so glad to hear that, given her background.  Even though I'm sure she'll go to a good family, I hope she doesn't get shaken up when it's time to leave.