Thursday, March 11, 2004


That's exactly how I feel today, blah. My brother has successfully given me his cold. What are siblings for? Lucky for me, it went straight to my lungs. Everytime I get sick, it seems to affect my lungs. I'd rather have the runny nose, sneezing thing.

Went to work yesterday. Buttons got adopted! Yippy for Buttons! It was one of those just perfect adoptions that makes you remember why you do this day after day. The dog and his new owners just clicked immediately. Bernie got adopted. I wasn't there for that though. Duncan is adoption pending. The puppies will soon be all gone. Then we're off on the 5 hour drive to save some more.

Mia is doing much better. We've been putting on antibiotics and she's since forgotten all about it. The dogs have seem to completely forgotten their fight as well. Such short memory.

Well, I moved Gollum back into his cage with his cage mates. This morning, the first thing I did was check on him. He was gone. Damn bird. I searched and searched but couldn't find him. I finally said to hell with it and sat on the floor, figuring he's got to come out sometime. I sit down, look up and there he is, sitting right in front of me. I put him back in his cage, went downstairs to get some ties to keep the cage closed and by the time I got back upstairs, he was almost out again! I'm going to have to keep a close eye on him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All your animals have such cute names. Glad to hear the puppies are getting adopted! ~Erica