Friday, March 5, 2004

Feeling Better

I'm feeling much better today and thank you all for being so supportive. Writing it out made it seem a little easier. I guess, it's not so much that no one wants to listen to me, I try not to say anything a lot of the time because I don't want to upset anyone. I think I made my mom feel a little like she's making things worse for me. She's been the most supportive person in my life and it's not her fault when she tries to help. No matter what she or anyone else says, it gets taken the wrong way. There's nothing anyone can really do to help and just having her shoulder to cry on and to bitch to, has meant the world. Everything that's good in me, is because of her. I love you mommy! ;) 

I haven't really been awake a real long time and yet, it's been hectic. I kept waking up, feeling like I had water in my ear or something. There was a weird noise too. Not like a ringing but like something was moving around. It eventually went away but tomorrow, just for peace of mind, all the cats and dogs are getting ear mite meds. It weirds me out to think of something crawling in my ear. Then, my mom comes home from work and I let two of the cats out into the house, the stray and one that we adopted from my work, Tuffy. We were downstairs talking and heard the cockatiel and the parakeets start squawking. They always do that so I usually ignore it but my mom said it sounded different and I should go check. Sure enough, Tuffy had one of my parakeets, Gallum, in his mouth. Somehow the bird got out of his cage. I'll just have to keep him warm and keep an eye on him. Not much else I can do. He's going to be seperated from the other birds. And I'm going to keep the stress levels low. Poor guy, I hope he does ok. Well, I'd better go to bed. Tomorrow is store day and as usual, I've got to get up early.


Anonymous said...

i want to get a bird,, but i know gizmo will eat him LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy your feeling better today! Oh your poor little birdie :-(
I guess Tuffy was doing what cats do. Hope he's going to be ok. Have a good weekend :-) ~lila~