Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I hate thinking up subjects

Well, I'm at the beginning of getting over this cold. You know, when you're not completely better but you can tell you're not going to get any worse. Morning still sucks but after you get passed attempting to swallow and coughing, things seem to look up. I've got the froggy sounding voice right now. DH laughed at me when he spoke to me on the phone the first time today. He's so sweet. He went and got me a humidifier last night. He got me medicine a few days ago and juice. He's going to pick me up some more juice tonight and my favorite pizza.

The animals are all doing better. Gollum is still in his cage. Libby, the stray hasn't thrown up since the other day. She seems happier too. I think everyone is a little annoyed with me though because it's been taking longer than usual to get them food and water. Usually, they have more food before they run out. Now I've got cats telling me that they're out of food. I've kept up on the water better than I thought I would though. It's those damned litter boxes that have been really neglected. That's the last thing you want to do when you're not feeling well. They're not at their worst though, definitely not their best but good enough for now. I don't think I'll be going to the shelter tomorrow. I want to go but there's a voice in the back of my head (probably my mom's) telling me that it's probably not the best idea, especially since I'm starting to feel a little better. Last time I was feeling a little better, I went to work and ended up feeling a whole lot worse the next couple of weeks. I realized today that my mom was right that I don't take good enough care of myself. I always thought, because I don't get sick very often that I take better care of myself than she does. But when I do get sick, it seems to never end. Whereas, my brother was feeling much better after one day at home. So as soon as I'm able to eat without hurting my throat, I'm going to start eating better. Right now, I'm on mainly easy to eat foods. Ok, I'm going to lay back down before I fall asleep at the computer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We were sick last week with a cold bug, couldn't stop sneezing and just felt wiped out. Hopefully this will be the last of the winter sickness's. I know what you mean about cats telling you to be fed. Mine won't stop staring at me till she gets her canned food in the morning....yeah she's way spoiled! ~lila~