Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just let her go to sleep!

God this kid is testing me tonight.  It's like she's had a hundred pixie sticks and she hasn't had ANY sugar.  Just not listening to me at all.  At times it makes me want to break the wall.  It's frustrating dealing with a two year old.  Stop testing your boundaries!

I was going to wait to see how long it would take my husband to put together Jasmine's new toy storage unit but seeing as how he still hasn't put together the baby crib she got for Christmas, I figured I might as well do it.  (I also put together the crib)  I wasn't sure how much of her toys I could fit into this thing but I've got almost all of them in there.  It's nice and organized for now.  I'm sure in a week I'll just toss toys into whatever box is empty.  (it's like a bookshelf with pink, green, and purple storage totes, three per shelf)  I'm just glad to have somewhere to put her toys.  I had been using old diaper boxes, not the most attractive decoration to have in my living room. 

Princess is not responding to being sprayed with water.  I thought for sure it would at least stop her from chasing the cats in the beginning.  I'm not sure what to do with her as my throat hurts at the end of the day from yelling at her.  I suppose I'll try pennies in a pop can.  She hasn't hurt any of them but I can tell if she was left to her own devices, she would.  (i.e. any home that adopts her will have to crate her when not home if they have kitties)  She seems to have no training.  We started working on sit last night.  You could tell the word was completely foreign to her.  Not shocking considering her initial attitude when we got her.  She's only had one accident in the house so I think it's safe to say she is house trained.  (I think it was mostly my fault, she was whining but she whines a lot)  I found some really great priced dog beds for crates and I think I'm going to order one a month till all the dogs have one.  (www.dog.com

I leave you with a picture of my mom's Aussie, Indy and her binky.  (pacifier for you non-breeders)



Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about hyper kids!  Sounds like Princess has some issues, I hope things work out for her.  The dog with the binky is cute...  Linda

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of Indy with her binky ~ how adorable!!!  Too bad Princess has issues, especially with the cats.  Buddy was terrible with the cats at first too and it appeared he would have killed them given the chance.  I don't recall how it stopped but now they crawl on him and everything and he is fine, so there is hope for Princess.  Kids...sometimes I read things that make me think, "awe, I should have had one", then I read things like this and realize I am just not cut out for it!!!
I am better with animals!!!  :)

Anonymous said...

Indy is so cute! I hope Jasmine settled down a little after a while. Some days are like that. If the water isnt working...try putting some ammonia in the water. It stings in their eyes, but doesnt hurt them permanently. I have never personally had to use it, but have heard it works. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
That's hysterical ... a pacifier for dogs?!?  I heard a woman offering her Pomeranian a pacifier at Starbucks the other day but I thought she was just joking.