Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kids get WHAT on Easter????

I didn't make it to the adoption event today.  I woke up this morning in a lot of pain from a varicose vein in my uterus.  It's been bothering me a lot the last few months.  It comes and goes so hopefully it will be going soon.  I spent a lot of money on candy for the event last night too.  Guess I'll just have to use it at the next one. 

The Easter bunny forgot what day tomorrow/today is.  That is until about eleven o'clock at night when she/he said uhm, honey we have somewhere we need to go.  It's always difficult to shop for things when the one you are shopping for is with you.  My husband distracted the little monster with expensive toys that we could not afford while I went hunting for things we could.  She ended up with a very large pez dispenser.  (the kid loves pez)  Apparently it sings too or something.  I bought some bubbles and then a bubble machine that is *supposed* to blow bubbles inside of other bubbles.  We'll see how well it actually works.  I also bought some finger paints.  We haven't went on that messy journey yet so I figured what the hell.  I think it would be cute to take one of her creations and frame it.  So far she forces us to create with her and I'd like one that is all her doing.  (crayons and markers)  I really wanted to get her a easel or small desk to do all her coloring but it seems that suddenly no one has anything remotely close.  The only thing I found was an indoor/outdoor table but it had slates through the top of it and she would've been forced to use something hard to prevent her crayons/markers from going through them.  Go figure a few months ago it seemed like everyone had something like that and now, nothing.  Maybe next month we'll find something.  We also bought her two outfits earlier in the day.  One for Easter and the other because she refused to leave without it.  (a sesame street shirt, go figure)  The Easter outfit is one that she can wear again as it's semi-casual instead of the dressy stuff I normally get her for holidays.  I wish she would let me put her hair up tomorrow but she always pulls it out so it's not worth the fight.

I have yet to receive any applications on Princess.  I'm going to take new pictures of her to put on the website (which wasn't messed up, it was my computer) and to put on petfinder.  I've got to figure out something to put on her that is cute and eye catching.  We're going up to the kill shelter this week to pull dogs and some cats and there are a few I have my eye on.  Go figure they're puppies but they're australian shepherds.  I may take one but not both.  I'd just feel awful if one of the girls didn't pull the other one though.  I know at least the one would go fast as he has blue eyes.  There's also a shepherd at the other shelter that I would like to pull if they still have it on our next visit.  He's all black with lopsided ears.  Both of his ears seem to flop the wrong way giving him a goofy appearance. 

So far none of the dogs have gotten out of the yard since the electric fence has been up.  By now someone has to have been shocked but I haven't heard any yelping.  We watched Rocky on his first trip outdoors off the tie out and he was very cautious around the wiring.  (we did top and bottom of the fence since he's a jumper)  He seemed to be sniffing it.  I think he must have been able to feel the currant through his whiskers as he has not bothered with it since.  The other dogs don't typically escape unless Rocky or Cash shows them where to get out so I think it will be accidental when they hit it.  I'm sure it will happen to the Aussie's at least a few times as they like to run near the fence around bushes. 

Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

Have a great Easter!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hope someone applies for Princess and all the pups get picked up from the shelter. As for the bunny in Pickles mouth....that wasn't Pickles , but it looked so much like her I couldn't resist. Pickles in reality is the most gentle dog out there. The stray cats who are feral and won't even let us near them, go up to Pickles and rub themselves on her, touch noses with her. It's amazing to see how safe they feel with her. If another dog comes by our house she gets upset and growls, she's very protective of the cats and me. The horse sharing the hay is amazing, I'm well aware how infrequent something like that happens with horses. I would of loved to have seen that myself. Wishing you and your family a wonderful, loving, peaceful holiday dear friend! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I love Pez too - there is just something cool about them.  Hopefully someone will fall in love with Princess and give her a good home.  Good luck with going to the shelter, I would end up with all of them, or as many as I could fit in my truck!