Friday, March 14, 2008

No good deed

The bitch broke my toilet.  I have to take Princess to the event tomorrow and she was in need of a bath.  She doesn't smell so much as is just greasy feeling.  I had a feeling this would not be an easy task so I've put it off.  I got the water going and ready before I put went and got her.  At first, I thought it was going to go pretty good and then she freaked out.  She was flapping around like a fish out of water.  My bathtub has doors so I went to shut her in there and give her a minute to chill out.  Just as I got the doors almost completely closed, she managed to jump out.  She jumped on top of the toilet back, causing it to go flying and break into a million pieces.  Jasmine had been in the bathroom with us and the last time I had saw her before this occurred, she was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, watching me get the bath ready.  My immediate concern was that she had been hurt by the lid.  Luckily, thankfully, she had the sense to run to the side of the sink when all the commotion started.  Had it hit her, I fear something would've been broken.  Being as I was pissed, I cleaned up the glass and tried once again to load the dog into the tub.  After a few minutes, I realized that one of us was going to end up with a broken bone or two so I aborted it all.  She has been in a crate since.  I was very frustrated and really didn't want to be bothered.  I took Jasmine into the bedroom with me so I could sit with my husband.  My heart skipped a beat here and there.  This is not just an expression for me.  I have an arrhythmia and when I get really upset, it tends to skip a beat here and there.  My mom has the same thing.  After I calmed down, I went in the other room to get on the computer and let my director know I would still be there tomorrow but the dog was n.o.t. getting a bath.  While I was in there, Jasmine begged and whined to let the ferrets out and being as I was in no mood to fight with her, I let them out.  Now, earlier we had gotten her a frozen coke, which at that time, she was drinking.  One of the ferrets decided to try and get a drink and knocked if over.  Now there are only two rooms in my house with carpet, that wasone of them.  Damn it to all hell.  Ferrets promptly get put away and I run to get a towel.  After cleaning it all up I have to spray some stuff on the floor to keep it from staining.  By now, I'm deciding to cut my losses and go to bed but first I have to feed the dogs.  As I was getting the food, Mia and Molly got into a fight (which for them is just a lot of noise and snapping) unfortunately, Jasmine got caught in the middle.  Once again, she was spared any injury except for a scratch to her foot from someone's toe nail.  Ok, I officially want to implode.  Thankfully, nothing has happened since then.  Jasmine is watching Underdog and I'm watching No Country for Old Men, which is so far at least an interesting movie.  I find it funny that they are using old style pistols instead of the usual 9mm that police officers carry here.

Shawn was supposed to spend the evening with his best friend but decided (all on his own) that he wanted to spend the evening with us instead.  Usually I spend Friday's with my mom but she isn't feeling well today so it was just me and Jasmine.  We went up to Lowe's to look for some sheet plastic.  (I want to use it for a rat cage) And just browsed around looking at what we can't afford right now but someday hope to be able to.  Afterwards we got a bite to eat and hit the local walmart.  Jasmine was being rowdier than usual so we cut our evening short.  Once home we beat the crap out of my husband with cardboard.  You know when you get wrapping paper, the center always has the tub of cardboard, that's what we were using.  I thought Jasmine was going to throw up she was laughing so hard. 


Anonymous said...

Glad no one got hurt!  Sounds like your house was pure chaos!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
What a day.  I feel badly for Princess ... it sounds like she's scared, confused and a handful.  She deserves a good home but, given her issues, it might be hard to find just the right family.

Anonymous said...

You hit it right with no good deed as your title, there have been times I've felt exactly the same way.  I feel so sorry for Princess ~ the poor girl must have alot of demons to react the way she does.  I hope she finds a home with someone who has alot of patience to give her the security she needs.  I feel bad for you too, you surely have your hands full.  You need a nice break but I know all too well that just isn't in the cards for you, or me or all the countless others who put the needs of animals before their own.  My heart goes out to you, I've been there a time or two or three or....  hang in there!

Anonymous said...

One of those days wasnt it. Sorry you had such a hard time with everyone. There is always tomorrow to start fresh! ;)