Friday, September 26, 2008

The Hormones made me do it!

I'm thinking of making sugar cookies this weekend.  I have most of the ingredients here already, just need to pick up a few items while I'm out and about tomorrow.  I love the taste of them but really hate making them.  All my favorite recipes require you to roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter.  I had no idea until last year how difficult it is to get those little bastards off the counter without ripping someone's arm off.  (last time I made xmas cookies with ginger bread men)  I had a great way of doing it by the end of the last holiday season but wouldn't you know, I've forgotten what it was.  I'm also going to make my own icing.  Something else I hate doing but I figured I'd give it another try.  Last year I had to make two batches as the first one was crumbly and not edible.  The second one was great but too runny.  I'll be trying a new recipe this time around that is supposed to harden after about 8 hours.  If I don't like these I'll try the cream cheese sugar cookies again but I think I'll leave out the almond extract, it gave them a funky taste.  I prefer a more vanilla taste personally.  Last weekend I made both cupcakes and brownies.  Even my husband was unable to keep up with all the sugary goodness.  ;)~ 

I wish I could say my day was much better after a night of sleep.  My hormones were full blown after I woke up however and left me an emotional mess.  I broke down balling because my husband didn't come right home before going to pick up a pizza.  Yes, you read it right.  I was supposed to spend the evening at my mom's, with said pizza but I only managed to eat two pieces and then came back home.  Eventually, my husband was able to get out of me what was wrong.  (by then I didn't want to tell him because I felt idiotic)  He then took me for ice cream.  I guess you could say my day ended better than it began.  Really, what pregnant woman doesn't want ice cream?


Anonymous said...

Mmm, sugar cookies!

Sorry to hear yesterday was rough all the way around, but glad it ended on a happy note. (Ice cream, yaaaaay!) I hope that means things got off to a better start today!

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear I did so hope that you would be feeling better as the day went on.  Still as you say it ended ok. Ice cream  sounds a good idea to me.  Take care over the weekend and don't be doing to much.  although I like the sound of your cookies !! would like the taste even better....Love for now  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

I love sugar cookies but never made them - anything that has to be rolled is too much for me to do! LOL.   I was hoping you would be feeling better but I see the hormones are still raging out of control.  Poor girl...I hope it settles down for you and you don't feel this way until the baby is born.

Anonymous said...

I like plain sugar cookies without icing :o)

Hope today was a better day for you.