Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Little ones sick, all around

I was told the orphan kittens had a vet visit today.  They are on antibiotics now but seem to be doing well.  The current foster thinks that they look pretty good all things considered.  I will probably have them back in a week or so.  I could've had them back sooner but with Jasmine being sick, I'd prefer to wait a few days.  The other kittens are all still doing well.  Momma seems to have developed a sniffle over the last few days so I'll have to keep an eye on her three till it passes.

Speaking of Jasmine.  I didn't get much in the way of restful sleep last night.  After I got ready for bed, I noticed she seemed flushed.  (she was sleeping)  I felt her face and it was on fire.  I attempted to remove some of the blanket that was on her and she made it very clear that she didn't want that to happen and had goose bumps.  I knew her tylenol had worn off about an hour before that but didn't really want to wake her up to take anymore.  With Jasmine you never know if she'll go right back to sleep or be up for hours.  I kept feeling her face and it just seemed to keep getting hotter.  Eventually I called my husband at work (on his cell), more just to talk to someone about than expecting him to do anything.  After getting off the phone, I decided to attempt to sleep.  I had one hand under her head and one on her arm, hoping that if she moved, I'd wake up.  I was really concerned with how hot she felt.  I didn't think I'd be able to sleep but I don't think I was laying down more than a few minutes before I passed out.  I woke up every time she moved those first few hours however.  You don't realize how stressful being a parent is, until you become one.  You never know when you're making the right decisions about your child's health and always feel inferior.  She woke up about six or seven hours after falling asleep.  She was still really hot but was no longer shivering.  I gave her a morning dose of tylenol and that seemed to break the fever for the most part.  She hasn't gotten that hot since then, thankfully.  Of course, my husband came home with a thermometer but by then there was no need forit.  It always makes me nervous for the day she will have something more severe than just a cold.  She's been to the ER once because I was concerned she was dehydrated.  (it was unwarranted, the ER doctor said we were doing everything right by feeding her ice and popsicles)  I don't want to be one of those moms that freaks out and drags her kid to the doctor or ER when they could just stay at home, where they're comfortable.  And then to have two of them sick at once?  It makes me sick to even think of it.  I'm thinking, I need more people to help me stay sane in that case! 


Anonymous said...

I'm not a mom, Jamie, so I have no "cred" when it comes to this, but it sounds like you're doing everything right! If her fever didn't break, THEN you could think about a doctor visit...but I'm sure that was a worrisome few hours.

Glad to hear LBK and LOK are...OK! As okay as can be, anyway.

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she sweated out the fever while she slept. Hope she is feeling better today. I know what you mean about having to decide what you are going to do when they are sick. I will usually try real hard to keep Shelby at home and like you say, its more comfortable at home. Unless it just goes on and on, I wont take her to the doctor. No manual to come with our babies, so we just do what mom instinct tells us, and we are usually right. :) Kelly

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the kittens are doing better after the vet visit.

I'm keeping Jasmine in my prayers on the smoke that she gets better soon. I know when they are that young it's so hard to know what to do. It sounds like you've done everything you could and it seems to be working.

The kicker is you still worry like this even when they become adults. My daughter scared the hell out of me when she was in the hospital.

I loved the comment you left from Jasmine about Pickles. Pickles promises to stand real close for a hug and not to scratch her...(Hugs)Indigo