Sunday, September 7, 2008

More Kittens

Both orphan kittens are sick.  I was concerned yesterday when I noticed that LBK's eyes were watering.  Today both have yellow discharge from their noses and are having a difficult time eating.  (when cat's can't smell food, they don't eat)  The orange one is having really bad diarrhea.  I'm frustrated and feeling a little defeated.  Tomorrow if the orange kitten still hasn't eaten, I may have to force feed him.  I hate force feeding.  I just don't know what to do.  Tomorrow if I haven't received anything via email, I'll be calling the rescue to see how they would like me to proceed.  Best case scenario, I get a vet visit and/or someone with more experience takes on the orphan kittens.  I don't want to give up when things get hard but I also need to focus on the fact that these are living things and at some point and time, I'm going to be over my head.  This has been an extremely stressful couple of days.  I just wish one of them would turn a corner. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie, you've tried really hard with these little ones, so don't feel bad if you have to get some help. I'll keep my fingers crossed....
