Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You could say it's been a long day

What a day.  No one called to give me the news.  They had been given instructions not to and I can't help but think of the what ifs.  What if something had actually been wrong and no one called me because he instructed them not to?  When it got to be 4:30 and my husband wasn't home from work yet, I called his cell.  I figured he was going to tell me he had to stay over for some union business (he's a steward) or that he stopped at the store for something to make for dinner.  No.  What he tells me is that he's in the ER and had been taken there by ambulance.  Ok, he's talking so I'm not immediately freaking out.  He had some chest pains at work and was feeling really funky so he went down to the nurse (yes, they have a nurse at his work), she freaked out, and called an ambulance after dosing him with aspirin.  They wouldn't even let him walk out of the building, he had to be taken out by stretcher.  (which was highly annoying to my husband who said he was perfectly capable of walking, there was nothing wrong with his legs)  They started an IV on him in the ambulance, even though nothing was ever administered through said IV and it was a piss poor one to begin with.  I think the EMT was having a bad day and just felt like bruising him for a week or so.  I've started better IV's on squirming animals, seriously.  They get him to the ER, do all the tests and blood work, everything turns up normal.  EKG, normal as well.  ER doctor says he needs to stay overnight and have blood tests done every three hours and then a stress test in the morning.  My husband decides to sign out AMA.  Of course, he didn't tell me this till later or I probably would've told him to keep his ass at the hospital.  I told him he'd better hope he doesn't have a heart attack in the next 24 hours because our insurance wouldn't pay for the medical procedures to save his life since he signed out AMA.  ER doctor sounded pissed and told him there was a possibility that he could have a heart attack and die but says he's only telling him that because the law says he has to and that my husband is at a very low risk for a heart attack.  Did I mention, my husband is 27?  He probably didn't get the home coming he was expecting.  I wasn't exactly hugging him and bringing him anything he wanted.  I was pissed that at 27, he would have any reason to suspect there was a problem.  I was telling him, no more greasy Mexican food from the place down the road, no more Chinese food from all the other greasy places.  I don't think I've ever voiced until today that one of my fears is that I'll be a 50 year old widow because my husband didn't take better care of himself.  You want to know that you will be with your spouse till your both ready to go.  When you're old and can't remember each other's names anymore.  I don't want to think that I could have less than 25 years left with him.  He's supposed to call his regular doctor today (who is a quack any way and I've tried to get him to switch to someone else for years) and if he doesn't, he's getting his butt kicked.  Oh and he and I are both pretty sure it was an anxiety attack. 

This evening I spent running my ass off trying to get everything done before it was time to go to bed.  We spent most of the evening at my mom's or I would've started some of it earlier in the night.  The dogs didn't even get fed till midnight.  And by that point, I didn't want to take any crap from any of them.  My back felt like it was going to snap in two.  Cash had peed in his crate earlier in the day but I just put him in the Aussie boys crate since I took them with me to my moms.  (I was in a hurry and would clean the crate when I got home)  For whatever reason, Savannah peed in her crate while I was gone.  If she had a different crate I would've still be annoyed but not quite what I was.  She has a travel crate.  I have to break down the crate completely in order to clean it in the house (it was dark when I got home... I wasn't battling the buggy creatures outside to wash the crate) and then drag it to the bathtub.  After both crates were clean, my back was hurting.  And I still had to do laundry for my husband.  There are some days where I don't have much to do at all and then others where it seems like I'm never going to get a chance to sit down.  Just glad we didn't have dinner here or else I would've had to clean the dishes too.  I'll be so happy to go nighty night later. 


Anonymous said...

Glad Hubby is ok.  Hope he stays that way.  You are tiring yourself too much and need to rest more for the baby!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I hope you were able to get some rest! :(

Sounds like you're probably right about the anxiety attack. But you're also right about watching what you eat. I understand your strange mixture of fear and anger. I would probably react the same way!

Hope you have a better day....
Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear your husband is okay! That is young to be having a heart attack, glad it was not that. I used to have anxiety attacks. Since taking Prozac I have been fine for years now. I would always have them in Walmart of all places! I do think about time and its passing now that Ian and I are over 40. I hope we have at least 40 more years together. Who is to say how long any of us have left together, so I try to make the most of every day Ian and I have together. Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious me  what a day....I hope that when you did hit your bed you were able to sleep and didn't keep going over the day in your head... you know the  saying.....keep smiling....LOL   love for now  Sybil xx


Anonymous said...

I can see why you would have been irritated, he should have listened to the doctors.  I am happy to hear he is doing okay though.  You are right on with the change in diet, I hope he listens to YOU.  You need to get some rest miss mommy to be!!!

Anonymous said...

Soooo, as a husband, let me weigh in.  I can understand him not calling you right away and not making you worry.  I am glad that he is doing well, and I do hope that he will at least get some exercise to offset the food guilty pleasure :o)