Saturday, September 27, 2008


Tonight, after we ate dinner, we headed to Walmart to pick up a few things.  As we were nearing the end of our trip, Shawn saw someone who he knew and they talked for a few minutes.  With strangers, Jasmine can be really shy and hid her face for most of their conversation.  I was carrying her as we walked away and she said that was a bad man mommy.  (he's not)  I asked her why she thought he was a bad man.  She says "That black guy is a bad man."  This, as we're walking past a group of black women.  Face turn red?  Yup.  I tried to explain to her that he's just a guy and he's not a bad guy.  Just. A. Guy.  It was shocking that she said that because we normally don't say anything about skin color.  Then I remembered that one time she asked about our friend and why he was darker and I told her because he was black and that's how he was born.  I was thinking that every time she sees a black person she is going to very loudly state that person is black. 

I made a few of the sugar cookies tonight so Jasmine would quit bugging me.  The nice thing (one of the only nice things) about rolled out cookies is that you can make some and then throw the rest of the dough in the fridge till later.  The dough wasn't quite cold enough and stuck to everything that touched it, making it a bit difficult to roll out and cut.  They're a little bland for my taste but maybe it'll be a little sweeter when I add some icing.  I plan on making a portion without icing and then some with as I will be sending a great deal of them to work with my husband.  I was unaware until I got the ingredients together that it makes 60 cookies.  That's way more than even I can eat.  I'll probably go back to the cream cheese sugar cookies.  They have more taste and are naturally sweet.  (and a little easier to roll out)  Jasmine helped make the entire batch, which is a first.  Last year I let her put sugar on them and that was the extent of her "helping."  I have this issue with little kids hands touching my food so I didn't want her messing with anything till she was a little older and understood that she should wash her hands and keep them clean.  She did a pretty good job of listening to directions.  We made a little mess but that would've happened even without her help.  (My excuse is along the lines of the bigger the mess, the better the food)  The only other thing I didn't care for with this recipe was that the batter doesn't hold up will in the oven.  My half moons looked like blobs and the pumpkins were oddly shaped circles once everything was cooked. 


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how much wee ones can pick up isn't it. we forget that at our peril...They don't have the same ability to realise that a word can mean different things in different situations.  One of the most embarrasing things that happend to me was when Jacqueline was about 3 and we were on a bus into town and she said what did that say above the drivers cabin...I not speak to the driver while he is driving...what else she said...someone had written...he bites... No more was said and when we got to our destination I got out first and turned to lift her down when she turned to the driver and said in a Very loud voice... I think you are a very NASTY man.....There was nothing I could do to explain as others were behind her getting off....but I did get some very odd looks.    Love  Sybil  xx

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about Jasmine helping with the cookie dough because the oven heat in the baking process will kill off any little germs floating around!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Bet the kitchen smelled wonderful :o)

Anonymous said...

Yikes, with Jasmine's comments! Sounds like you're going to have to keep repeating he's just a guy!

I've always liked the cream cheese sugar cookies better, too. I don't make them, but I like eating them!


Anonymous said...

Oh I bet you did turn a few shades of crimson.  When I was pretty young we were watching a choir and I yelled to my mom "they are all just a bunch of pricks"...I had NO clue what I was saying but needless to say everyone was horrified!!