Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shower 1, Jamie 0

I took a pretty good fall tonight when getting out of the shower.  I think everything is ok but it still really freaked me out and I plan on moving a little more carefully from now on.  After we got home from dinner and going to the store, I decided to take a quick shower.  Jasmine always comes with me.  I've literally only taken a handful of showers alone since she was born.  After my shower, I start to fill the tub with water for her to take a bath.  I haven't gotten out of the bathtub yet however.  She's sitting in the bath and splashing water at my feet.  As I'm moving to get out of the shower, I was also turning to tell her to stop it.  Suddenly, my feet are sliding out from under me.  All I could think at the time was not to fall on her.  It wasn't till the side of my stomach took the brunt of the fall on the side of the tub that I worried about the baby.  It was loud enough that my husband heard it over his video game and came running.  I didn't even realize my elbow was bleeding till I was out of the bathtub.  Jasmine was pretty upset about it.  I think it was mostly because when she asked if I was ok, I didn't immediately respond.  There's a large bruise across the lower part of my stomach and my elbow has a huge gash in it from a piece of metal.  (and no, I haven't had a tetanus shot since I was probably about five and have no intentions of getting one... needles freak me out)  I was shaky for about an hour.  I felt a little guilty as well.  Yesterday, one of the girls on a pregnancy board I read, was worried because she had taken a fall earlier in the day and I basically rolled my eyes at the post.  I was thinking, give me a break, you landed on your butt.  Now, I know firsthand that no matter how you fall, it scares the shit out of you.  Thankfully, my elbow is way more painful than my stomach and I haven't had any worrying symptoms.  Jasmine won't let me near the shower without telling me I have to hold her hand so I don't fall again.  ;)  And here I thought I was just going to take a nice warm, relaxing shower.  Oh, and pain relieving neosporin, you know the stuff that costs several dollars more than the regular stuff, doesn't work.  At no time did I experience pain relief, never, not even a little.  I'll buy the plain crap from now on.  Oh, and I landed on a rubber ducky.  His insides are super clean now.  Water toys get a build up of junk inside them from nasty water sitting in them for a while.  He is now junkless.  ;) 


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear, I hope that this morning when you get up you are not to stiff and that the elbow is ok.  Please do take care. Do you not have a slip mat in the shower if not it should be first thing on your list next time you are shopping..
Love  from  Sybil

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you fell and got hurt.  I am pretty sure the baby is ok, but probably wouldn't hurt to check things out with Dr.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Jamie, oh no! I'm so sorry you got hurt! Awww, Jasmine says you have to hold her hand...very sweet!

Of course, you always manage to get a chuckle out of me, even though you had a nasty fall...with your junkless rubber ducky. ;)

I'm glad you're okay--and I agree with Sybil, a mat is in order!

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Glad you were not more seriously hurt.  Your daughter sounds sweet :o)

Anonymous said...

I sure am glad your okay, and the baby too. It is scary. When I was pregnant I fell stepping up on a sidewalk from a parking lot at a restaurant we were going to eat supper at, and I took a tumble. You really lose your balance when your pregnant. You be careful now. I know you will. I know about that gunk in the, when Shelby was little I remember. Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Goodness girl, that isn't good at all.  You need to put some of those little rubber feet things on the bottom of your tub so you don't slip.  Gosh you must have patience to have Jas in with you everytime you shower ~ I don't think I could handle that.  Please take care.