Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Spice Troop

I have an ultrasound tomorrow.  Before this one I have to drink no less than 16 ounces of water... and manage NOT to pee before my appointment.  I really hope they're not running behind like they've been my last few appointments.  It doesn't take much to make you pee when you're pregnant and it's made even worse when you know you aren't supposed to go. 

I took Indigo's names from Raven's Lament.  (see "other journals" for link... I really suck at putting links into entries)  There was no rhyme or reason for it.  The names were just "right" for these kittens.  The darker faced calico is Nutmeg, the lighter is Sage and the ornery little male kitten is Saffron.  Mom is Spice.  (I've also been calling her Spicey)  Everyone has caught Mama Spice's cold.  The kittens all have runny noses and are sneezing.  However, they're doing rather well.  Everything is clear that is coming from them and they're all still perky.  The kitten that has taken it the hardest and is the whiniest about it is ornery little Saffron.  He begs to be held at all times and as if for effect, will occasionally shake.  Go figure, the meanest one is the biggest baby.  Even though mama's milk dried up last week, they have been suckling while they are sick.  Now that she is feeling better, she is a much better mama.  She lays with them all day except to eat and drink and allows them to suckle for however long they want.  It will probably take them a few days longer to get over it than it did with mama but I'm hopeful it will go over without anyone getting really sick.  They seem to be doing well at this point.


Anonymous said...

I like the names! But of course it makes me think of those lame-oids the Spice Girls! LOL

OMG, I'm not even pregnant, and I don't think I could stand holding it after 16-oz of water. Hang in there, Jamie! (And good luck tomorrow!)

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Awww the sweet little kitties I hope they get better soon!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I remember that have to pee feeling all too well. Hope all goes well with the ultrasound. :) Poor kitties, I hope they all get well soon. Hugs, Kelly