Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kitteh Committee

Momma cat on a shelf making it clear that she in no way plans on breast feeding anymore.  Hell, she wanted to bottle feed in the first place, damnit.

What?  Food where?  I'll get it.

This is the little evil one.  The climber of legs and harasser of siblings.  Notice the little half 'stache, not food, the mark of evil. 

This little kitteh speaks.  No really.  When I brought in the canned food for their last meal of the night, she said and I quote "Dude, carry me.  It's like really far and stuff."  She rolled over onto her back and meowed as if to literally, be picked up and carried to the plate of food.  Erhm, no.  You, stoner cat, can walk.

Now onto the more... pathetic looking kittehs.  This is the sibling to the little black kitty, which Beth at has dubbed LBK.  He could actually be a really pretty kitteh if I could keep his face clean.

Yes, little LBK, really is THAT homely looking.  And yes, this was the best photo I could get on my own.  He wants to be BESIDE you, NOT in front of you.  He is gray under the black, which should explain the funny looking fur to some extent.  I will try for a better photo tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...I love all the kitteh pics, but...

...especially LBK...I SO want him/her to be okay....

I'm sending all the kitties love and strength, but I'm sending extra vibes to LBK. Hang in there, little guy, I'm pullin' for you!


Anonymous said...

Very cute, love the calicos!  Linda

Anonymous said...

The last one reminds me of what my husband used to describe his cat Morris as when they found, just pitiful. He was this color also. You are a brave woman for helping these animals even as you are having to deal with your own pregnancy. :) Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

LBK steals your heart with that ragtag look. I loved all the kitten pics. The one with the dirty face was adorable. Your doing a great job with this lot hon. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh they are so sweet, awwww...those little pathetic faces.  Bless their little hearts.