Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yes, in the box, good kitty

All the kittens are still alive as of the last time I checked on them.  And the little black one that looks like it came straight from a sewer, actually pooped on his own today IN the litter box and then attempted to clean himself.  I literally did a happy dance as I watched.  Probably didn't help his concentration with a pregnant woman, wobbling around the room and screaming good kitty.  I really think the two small ones are going to end up hating me.  I have to bathe them every night to get all the poop off their little bodies.  Feces have a far higher amount of acid in it than urine and quickly burns the skin.  Leaving any fecal matter on them could cause sores and for the skin to be irritated.  It's something you learn very quickly after you have kids.  A peed in diaper is ok to leave a while, a poopy one must be changed quickly or you'll need to add some diaper cream to a red butt.  (and a pissed off baby with an irritated rear end)  I have hope for the little ones but I'm trying not to get too attached as I know the chances of them surviving are slim.  The little black one could be really gorgeous if he didn't look so homely.  One day at a time.

Jasmine had a free for all the few days that she wasn't feeling well and now she isn't listening at all.  It's made for a very trying two days.  It's like talking to a wall, she doesn't even acknowledge the fact that noise is coming out of my mouth.  I really hope she starts to turn around in a day or so.  At least it didn't seem to mess up her sleep schedule much.  She's asleep by 2am every night now.  May not seem very early to most but it's a huge step in the right direction.  It's 2-3 hours earlier than she was going to sleep.  I'm not quite there yet but at least I'm asleep before the sun comes up.


Anonymous said...

Jamie, I still have the giggles, and your line about how you distracted little black kitty by dancing around the room and screaming "good kitty!" just made me laugh! In a totally good way...I'm still pulling for the little guy and the little orange guy!

How old is Jasmine? Sounds like she's a night owl like her Mom! (And me!)

Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

You have your hands full with the kitties. I hope Jasmine will be of more help and less hinderance for you. Hugs, Kelly