Thursday, September 4, 2008

Progress is still progress, even if it's icky BTW this is an ICKY entry

We seem to have moved a step or two forward with the kitty situation.  After writing this we'll probably go two steps back but there's more hope now than there was a few hours ago.  When I received the two smallest kittens, they were both impacted with poop, although the black one was far worse.  The black one was swollen a full of poop but with no mother there to clean him, it was just sitting inside his body, building up.  We (me and Jasmine) spent quite a great deal of time gently trying to coax some of it out with warm water and paper towels.  I still felt defeated at that point but was planning on trying a few more times later.  I would take him out and wipe him a few times and then let him go back to the other cats.  By this point and time he's getting pissed at me any ways and the claws have started coming out, I figure quickly is the best way.  This is the weakest cat you've ever seen but seeing those claws, tells me he's got more fight in him than we've given him credit for.  I checked on them for the last time (I swear, I won't touch that door again till after I've went to sleep and woke up... Promise... ok so I obsess over babies a little too much) and his rectum was actually able to be closed.  Now it still doesn't look normal but no butt would after having a constant flow of really ucky poop coming from it.  I'm just relieved we've gotten that far AND I saw him licking his legs while I was in there.  At least he's trying to keep himself clean.  (although FYI kitty, you'd be a whole lot cleaner if you didn't climb onto the plate of wet kitten food and eat from the center on out... I'm just sayin)  The orange sibling, seems to be doing good as well and with minimal intervention on my part.  He's got a lot of spunk and I've only got so many fingers to spare.  He could be cleaner but a this point and time I'm just concentrating on keeping everything moving through their bodies so as to not become deeply impacted.  So, I'm allowing myself a little bit of hope at this point.  I really like this little black kitten and would love to see him pull through.  I just know once he's better, he's going to be all spunk.  (I'm hoping he's a boy (can't tell since everything is swollen to hell down there) because I've got his name picked out already) I've named the male stripe, Axl for now (although I may change it to a different band member depending on how many boys I have versus girls) One of the female calico's gets to be Rose.  And hopefully I have enough boys for Iggy, Duff and Slash.  I was going to use the Guns N Roses old band manager that they had years ago for momma's name, although I would have to look it up.  I could use her name as Tracy for Tracy Guns but he wasn't really a big part of the band, only the band name.  And Tracy kind of sucks for her.  She needs something with a little more flair and sass.  By the way, thank god my nose is plugged up because I KNOW those little butts stunk.  Jasmine left the room and said mommy they stinky, you need to clean their butts.  Fingers crossed that they all come out of this alive and then cross them again that I don't get too attached to the little half dead one.  (and go figure he's the ugly duckling of the group... I always pick the ugliest ones to be my favorite)  I really like the orange one too.  He looks like he has some Persian in him somewhere.  Just a slightly mashed face but that a could change as he gets a little older.  The striped one is the trouble maker with a capital T.  He's the first to get into everything and the first to run up your legs.  The two calicos aren't far behind him though in their antics.  I can't help but love kittens.  They're little monster but I think they're so cute and now that I'm doing it more, I can pick them out pretty early on as to what personality they will have when they're older.  (I've been pretty accurate so far!)  Ok, to sleep now for me.  The ambien is making my typing funny so that's a signal to me that I should go try and do this sleep thing.  Thank god for those Ambien, I absolutely cannot sleep when I'm stuffed up. 


Anonymous said...

Jamie, I hope you were able to get a good night's sleep and will feel better today!

Poor kitties. You are something special to care for them this way, and to care so much! I had no idea they could get impacted like that because they don't have a mama to clean them. Poor little ones. I've only been reading about them for 2 days, and I feel like I'm already attached to them!! I hope you'll continue to have good news for us.

Hugs, Beth

P.S. I love it that you're naming them all after Guns n Roses band members. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Awww, Bless his little heart.  I sure hope he pulls through.  I know you are giving them all you've got.  Take care of you too though.