Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Today is the worst I've felt yet.  I broke down and took a benadryl in hopes of drying up some of this crap, even though I know it could backfire and make everything worse.  I just need to be able to breath for a few hours. 

On top of feeling awful, I got my litter of kittens today.  I have a momma cat, three of her kittens and two kittens from another litter.  The two separate kittens are much smaller and I wouldn't guess them to be over 3 weeks old and both are having problems.  They seem to be having issues with pooping, the small black kitten in particular is not well.  I don't know that he can go to the bathroom on his own at all and was rather nasty looking when I first got him.  He still is pretty gross but better than he was.  I think he'll be very lucky if he lives.  His sibling (I'm not sure if these two are boys or girls as I've been to busy trying to get them cleaned up to pay much attention) is orange and seems to be slightly healthier and actually has quite a bit of spunk.  The hope was that momma cat would take on these two new kittens but at this point, I'm doubtful.  She hisses at them and seems disinterested in all the kittens and sleeps on a shelf where none of them can reach her.  I think her three are probably nearing 5 weeks.  They're all good looking kittens, two calicos, a tiger stripe, an orange and the little black one.  Go figure, the sickest one is the one that I liked immediately upon seeing.  I am really not equipped to handle these two smaller kittens.  They need a lot of work and I could use some kind of heating pad to keep the little one warm.  Right now he follows the others around till one lays down and then he curls up on top of them.  For now I've turned off the a/c to that room.  Hopefully things will look better for those two in the morning.  I really hope little blacky makes it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you turn the corner with your cold. Sometimes being able to breathe easily can allow you to get some good sleep, and that can make a huge difference.

Oh, poor little blacky...I hope he or she makes it, too. :( Do the other kittens allow him to sleep on them? That might keep him warm and soothed until he gets a little more strength.

Hugs, Beth