Friday, September 5, 2008

More Kitten updates

I'm still very concerned for this black kitty.  He's eating, drinking, pooping but there's just something wrong.  The only outward signs that there is need to be worried is his overly distended abdomen (he waddles!) and the fact that the never plays at all, just eats, sleeps and poops.  I feel like I'm doing the best I can and at the same time trying to let him rest as much as possible.  I don't know what else to do at this point.  He gets a bath a day, which I hate doing because I'm so worried he will become chilled.  I have no choice for fear of ulcers from the poop that still gets stuck to him.  At least I know when he sleeps, he's warm, as all the kittens have started sleeping in one big pile.  I don't want to give up on him and hand him off to someone else to try to foster but then again, maybe that would be best if I'm in over my head.  I feel like, aside from taking him to the vet, I'm doing everything there is possible for him.  (except for putting a heat lamp in the bedroom, which I won't do for fear of burning down my house)  I figured out today that I'm spending about 3 hours a day on kitten care, give or take a half hour.  The morning and evening take the longest as that's when I'm either washing a kitten or cleaning the room.  At the same time, I'm trying to keep one eye on Jasmine and make sure she is behaving herself with the rest of the kittens.  She's pretty good about being gentle but occasionally, she gets a little too rough.  She forgets that they're much smaller than the last bunch of kittens we had.  Particularly when the rambunctious one of the group climbs her bare leg.  That kitten, is a handful and then some.  He's always climbing something (or someone), getting into something and just in general, causing mischief.  I can't help but laugh at him, particularly because I know I won't have a lifetime to deal with him. 


Anonymous said...

I'm worried about the little black kitty, too. His distended it possible he has worms?

But if he's not playing yet, is it possible he's just gaining strength? Maybe he is just too weak and malnourished to play just yet. I just don't know that much about distressed animals, but throwing out some ideas.

{{hugs to black kitty}}


{{hugs to you}}


Anonymous said...

Beth's idea about worms might not be too far off the mark. I hope he gets feeling better soon hon. I've had a few of the climbers. The last batch of kittens I had, there was one that would jump on Pickles tail and hang on. Poor dog didn't know what to do. (Hugs)Indigo