Friday, September 5, 2008

Where has the United gone in all of this?

I don't talk of politics on my blog, mostly because you're bound to seriously offend someone.  I don't like being called a dumbass just because I'm a democrat and I'm sure the republicans don't want to hear me call them the same.  That being said, it's hard for me to continue to read some blogs that are extremely republican and make it clear that if you are not, they think you're, well a dumbass.  I don't have all the facts.  I don't watch the conventions.  Therefore, I'm not one to be spouting off about which candidate is right for president.  (although I almost always believe a democrat is better than a republican)  I understand that there are strong feelings on who should hold that powerful position for the next four years.  You should feel strongly.  If you don't, then don't bitch when things don't go your way.  But I don't believe that full out attacks on common folk are warranted.  We all have our reasons for being republican, democrat or independent and we're not all going to agree.  I can't wait till it's all over personally.  I will be voting in November and it will be for Obama but I will not be openly attacking anyone (at least on my blog) who decides to vote the other way.  Although, should the old guy win (haha) and screw it up, I will be full of I told you so's.  That's not to say I don't enjoy reading some views on this election but I tend to enjoy those more that share my views.  (of course)  Most of those that I do enjoy, whether they share my views or not, have been very tactful and try their best to stick to the facts with a few jabs here and there and the other candidate.  No matter who wins, we're all in this together.  If the new guy screws up, he screws us all, not just his political party. 


Anonymous said...

Nicely said, Jamie!



Anonymous said...

You got this one right!!  Well said!

Anonymous said...

I agree, and I won't talk politics or religion with many people because its very controversial and causes a lot of bad feelings in the long run. Well said, Kelly

Anonymous said...

I've tried like hell to refrain from talking politics...yet Palin gets my blood boiling. To have a possible VP (McCain could very well keel in those 4 years) that condones aerial hunting of wolves. She can't let a wild animal have a fair playing ground while being hunted, what makes anyone think she will when it comes to the human variety....getting off pedestal now. Promise not another iota out of me on this election. (Hugs) Indigo