Friday, February 22, 2008

Back, finally

Oh dear readers where have I been?  Trust me, my absence was not of my own doing.  Let's go back to Tuesday night when it all started.  (see flash back-esk interlude)

All day I was feeling better from the cold that has been plaguing me recently.  Jasmine and I were wrestling on the love seat when she jumped up, landing with her full weight onto my temple.  (with her hard head) I immediately felt dizzy and a little sick to my stomach.  Not to be deterred, I decided to take a shower.  The longer I was in the shower, the worse I felt.  My back just kept getting more and more painful.  It was as if I had been hit with a baseball bat.  By the end of my shower/Jasmine's bath, I couldn't stand and spent quite a while just sitting in the bathtub.  I figured it was just a bad muscle spasm and would go away with time.  I still hadn't fed the dogs so I got them started eating and doing some computer stuff for hubby.  All the while, my back is still increasing to hurt.  After an hour, I finally went into the bedroom and immediately started sobbing when my husband asked me what was wrong.  I told him my back wouldn't stop hurting and I didn't know what was wrong.  Soon after that, I really started to feel nauseous, to the point where I was in and out of the bathroom thinking I was going to throw up.  By now, Shawn had obviously decided that he couldn't go to work with me in this condition.  Around 3:30am, I started throwing up, violently.  I was freezing cold, shaking, teeth chattering.  I knew I was hyperventilating but I couldn't seem to remember the proper way to breathe.  Shawn called my mom and asked her to bring me some medicine to stop the vomiting on her way to work.  (she had it from a previous minor surgery)  A part of me wanted to go to the ER but I kept imagining sitting in the waiting room for hours, all the while throwing up and feeling at my worst ever.  I really didn't know how I was going to make it through the night until my doctor's office opened.  The nausea finally died down after taking one of the pills but my back pain was just as strong as ever.  Eventually,I decided to sleep on the couch so that Jasmine could sleep and I could be in pain without the worry of waking anyone.  Finally, I was able to fall asleep sometime around nine in the morning, only to wake again at noon, feeling once again like I was going to throw up.  I wandered into the living room, begging my husband to go get more of those pills from the kitchen.  I then told him to call my doctor and get me in - today.  On the way to the doctor's office I was groggy and dazed, as I had been since the start of this madness.  Normally, I only have to wait a few minutes before being taken to a room at my doctor's office but of course, not that day.  I fell asleep in the waiting room.  Eventually, we were called back and asked numerous questions with the usual the doctor will be in shortly.  How wrong they were.  I kept hearing the doctor that I was to be seeing that day (not my normal doc) being paged by the hospital.  It was almost a half hour before someone came back into the room.  I was so happy to see my regular nurse.  (I'm assuming the other doc got called away on a hospital thing and I was sent back to my normal doc)  She took us into yet another room to wait some more.  My doctor asked some questions and made me do some physical tests, requiring me to walk in place with my eyes closed, and such.  After all is said and done, he tells me I have suffered a concussion at the hands of my daughters own head.  I got sent home with a take some tylenol and call me if things don't get better.  What I actually did was go home and pass out for five more hours.  That night I still had some back pain and mild nausea but was feeling a little better.  Today I'm still having difficulty eating anything but most of the pain is gone.  Can you believe I got a concussion from a two year old?!  In hindsight, I realize I should've went to the ER but I thought I either had food poisoning or whatever my husband was sick with the week before.  Let's just say, I've had better days.

In other news, while I was suffering, Doodle was working on finding herself a forever home.  They filled out an application and I finally was able to call her today.  It sounds like a good home.  She will live in a lake house in the summer where she will enjoy swimming till her little heart's content.  In the winter's, she will go with the family cross country skiing.  Someone should be doing a second interview with her tomorrow (over phone as she lives 5 hours away) and then hopefully, they'll be able to pick her up on Saturday at our adoption event.  I'll be sad to see her go but she's getting a fantastic home with two kids.  The mother got noticeably upset when speaking about her previous dogs passing which is a good mark in any foster mom's book. 


Anonymous said...

I was beginning to worry, had you not posted today I was going to email you.  You've been through a lot, geesh, she must have really pounded you.  I can't imagine how you must be feeling and then still having to take care of everyone...I hope Shawn is helping you out with the animals.  Good news for Doodle, it sounds like the perfect home.  The woman clearly thought of the one who passed as her baby so she should be a good mom.  Please take care, I wish I was closer ~ I would come and help you out.  

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Yikes ... be careful.  Concussions are serious ... you definitely should have gone into the emergency room just for safety sake.  Hope you get better soon!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you are feeling better soon...all that sounds scary...feel better. Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Jasmine must have an iron skull. Glad to hear your slowly getting better. Wow...never heard of getting a concussion that way before. Awesome news on Doodles! I still wish I could of taken her, but Pickles can't have any other dogs around. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

What Marty said -- you gotta be careful with concussions.  Or possible concussions.
Great news about Doodle!


Anonymous said...

Wow she must have really whanged you hard! I didnt know that would make your back hurt like that too! Glad you are alright...that sounds like it was pretty scary.