Monday, February 4, 2008

The Newbies

Picked up the two rats today.  They are at the very least rex mixes, if not all rex.  That makes their coat slightly curly and their whiskers curl.  They are nice, although one is a little skittish but neither bite.  Introductions didn't go well and they all had to be seperated immediately.  The cream colored one was bleeding from several different spots.  The black one, who we have named Toby, just seemed scared to death but no injuries that I could see.  We'll have to move much slower than I was hoping.  For tonight they are living out of a bird cage filled with hammocks and bedding.  They seem happy just to be away from sir grouchy Tikki.  I will add pictures of them later. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I'm not quite sure what to say ... "How adorable" doesn't quite cut it in my book where rats are concerned.  Yet, on the other hand, I've heard that rats get a bad rap ... that they're very smart and can make good pets.  I guess I just can't get over the stereotypes.  Plus, the rats I remember from my youth -- in Boston's Back Bay -- weren't at all what you would think of as "friendly" or "domesticated."  They were mean.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the introductions were a bit chaotic.  I have run into that with some of the cats I've brought in.  Time can be our enemy when we need the space!!!!  Good luck with them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry introductions didn't go well at's always a wait and see game when the newbies come into the fold....(Hugs) Indigo