Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fighting all around

The gun will no longer be an issue after this weekend.  After a knock down all out fight, my husband decided to sell it, more to shut me up than anything.  I still don't think he feels in the wrong at all but I'm just dealing with the issue of the gun being gone at the moment.  I'm also going to require some sort of proof that he's sold the gun.  I may seem overboard but I know how men work and I'm sick of the what-she-don't-know-won't-hurt-her.  I always find out eventually.  Always.  I haven't gotten the details of all of this yet as I was too pissed.  He claims to have bought the gun a month ago but you have to fill out a form and wait a certain amount of time before you can obtain a gun so I don't see how that works.  You can't just go in, say I want a gun and they hand it over.  I also don't know how much this cost us.  We are truly struggling right now and for him to go out and buy a gun... it just makes me furious.  I think of what that money could've went for instead.  I haven't been going to the grocery store for almost a month now because we just can't afford it.  We had been buying and extra thing here and there for months so I am able to go a little while without us starving.  I am so grateful that he gets profit sharing this weekend.  It'll be such a weight off my shoulders to have all those bills caught up, finally. 

The parakeet seems to be getting along nicely with the cockatiels.  Better than the cockatiels have ever gotten along together.  Little Romeo goes from one bird to another but mainly stays with Charlie.  Who knew all this time, Charlie just needed a parakeet for a friend.  The rats are not getting on well.  I still have them separated but the two that came together and were born together are fighting like crazy.  They are fine until it's time to eat and then it's like all hell is breaking loose.  These are not animals that are hurting for food either.  Tonight I put in an extra food dish on the other side of the cage, hoping to stop some of the bickering.  No one is being injured other than scrapes so I'll just let it play out. 

I go to pick up my new foster this afternoon.  I was sitting here earlier trying to remember how I introduced Doodle to the rest of my dogs.  She was so happy go lucky that I just brought her in the house like she'd lived with us forever.  I had no problems with that introduction.  This one I will do differently I think, depending on Princess' temperament.  I will probably leave her on a leash and let them out one by one to meet her.  Seems the safest bet.  If we have too much trouble with everyone getting along, I will have to send her back and exchange fosters.  Don't worry, she'll still be in a home. 


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the gun issue is over, you had my heart pounding with your first line....I thought "oh no, she's outta there!".  Good luck with the foster, hopefully it will go smoothly for you.

Anonymous said...

Hope all the gun issue is over now. I know it made it strained between you two, and that always sucks. Good luck with the new foster, such a sweet looking dog. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I just can't believe that gun story ... but I guess everyone has their own hobbies.  Guns kind of scare me.  Not that I wouldn't "trust" myself to learn how to use it, but I'd be constantly worried about what happens if it falls into the wrong hands or goes off unexpectedly.

Anonymous said...

The bigger issue is he did something without confiding in you, if he knew it wasn't going to go over well....then why? With money being tight he has to learn some restraint and maturity. It's not fair for you to have this weight entirely on your shoulders, you need another adult present. I think introducing the dogs one by one is a great idea, she's still somewhat delicate having her pup taken away. (Hugs) Indigo