Thursday, February 14, 2008

My thoughts are with NIU

Northern Illinois University is about three hours from my house.  It is were the deadly school shooting took place on Thursday morning.  This is the fourth in less than a week.  Can anyone remember what it was like before Columbine?  A time when you could send your kids to safe schools and be pretty sure that they wouldn't be gunned down.  I honestly do not understand where the shooters are coming from.  At my most depressed, I never wanted to harm anyone else, let alone strangers who did nothing to me.  I may have harmed myself, but never anyone else.  Then they show their true cowardice by killing themselves.  Now they don't have to face the families of those they have killed.  What does this accomplish?  It happens so much now that you won't make headlines for more than a few days and then after that, the only people who remember you are those that you injured or the families that you killed.  The rest of us eventually forget your name, your face and move on with our lives, hoping it won't happen again.  What were you thinking when you took those guns on campus?  This will show them, they'll listen to me now.  What's the point of getting people to listen when you're dead and labeled a nut job?  I for one prefer that people listen to me without the threat of physical violence.  At first, I didn't want to do a blog about any more school shootings.  I feel it's just giving notoriety to those that do these things and encouraging other depressed nut jobs to do it again but I am truly sick of seeing this on the news every few weeks.  My eyes well with tears at the sight of these young people terrified and grieving.  It's not fair that the shooter doesn't have to live with what he's done.  It's not fair that he probably died instantly.  It's not fair that he felt no fear as he died.  I'm sure in the days to come we'll hear he was a loner, quiet, seemed depressed, etc.  I don't care.  I don't care if he never had a friend his whole life.  You don't have the right to take someone else's life.  I bet at least one person that he injured or killed would've been willing to befriend him, knowing he was lonely.  I doubt that even crossed his mind though.  Will this ever stop?  Or do we need metal detectors at every entrance to every school?  Is there anything that can be done to prevent this? 


Anonymous said...

I was so saddened to hear this news! What the hell is wrong with the world that such cruelty is more rampant and escalating! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

When it was just high schools, I felt safer because we chomeschool...but now I worry about what will happen to my children in college....and on a broader scale, all children are my children, so I worry anyway...

Anonymous said...

Some days I just feel like the world is going to hell in a handbasket...