Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Because, Nice Matters

Wouldn't the people I went to high school be shocked that I received the Nice Matters Award today.  I want to thank my mom for raising me to be a generally nice person.  My husband for living with the not so nice qualities.  My brother for putting up with the really not niceness as we grew up.  And finally, the sun for rising each morning. ;) Basically, this award is given out by other journalers to bloggers that they feel are, well, nice, whether you reach out to those online, around you or just make someone's day by writing your blog.  Apparently, I am supposed to pick out six more bloggers in which to present this award to.  (couldn't it have been more like three?)  I was going to spread the love as Kelly did from http://journals.aol.com/fowfies/the-new-chicken-chronicles/, which is who I received my reward from, and try to give only to those who had yet to receive it but those who have been the nicest to me and those around me in the journaling world can have two, can't they? 

My first is one of the first journals I began reading on here.  She reaches out to those online as well as troubled kids in her area.  She rescues animals of all kinds and nurses them back to health, sometimes literally.  ;)  I doubt there are many that haven't passed by her journal at least a time or two, Kas at http://journals.aol.com/hestiahomeschool/HomeschoolingJournal/

The second goes to a dear friend of mine.  She, by far, has been one of my closest friends and I believe at times, we've felt like we could trust no one else with our problems.  She received this award just days ago and I don't expect her to do another 6 picks.  ;)  Lisa hasrescued more cats in the past year than I can imagine taking in, in a lifetime.  She raises bison and watusi.  If you haven't guessed it yet it's http://journals.aol.com/wwfbison/life-on-a-bison-farm/

Another who has received this award, is Indigo.  She always brings a fresh point of view to her journal.  She puts her thoughts and feelings into such beauty that it frequently reminds me of poetry.  She is always thoughtful of those around her, online as well as in life.  http://journals.aol.com/rdautumnsage/ravens-lament/

This one, most may not have considered for the nice award.  He can be sarcastic but he never ceases to put a smile on my face.  I don't know how I started out the day without his journal.  It doesn't hurt that he's a Packers fan either.  I cannot believe that some sarcasm loving Packer woman has not taken this guy off the playing field.  Who else will give you pictures of rabbits with pancakes on their heads?  It's none other than Dan at http://journals.aol.com/dpoem/TheWisdomofaDistractedMind/

Where are we now?  Ah yes, number five.  This a man who I know has brightened many a young artists day by posting a drawing that they have done.  If that's not nice, I don't know what is.  He encourages those around us to see past the bland and find the colors.  I love his drawings as many others do as well.  I truly believe that he cares a great deal more for everyone that crosses his path than he could ever express.  Visit Russ at http://journals.aol.com/toonguykc/InnerOuterDemons/

Finally, one more.  Now that I've gotten to this point, I realize how many people I will be leaving out.  They know who they are as I visit them regularly.  If I added every journaler that I had a shared moment with, I would have carpel tunnel in no time though.  So without further ado, here is number six.  If I realized that I had at some point and time been at 7th and Montana and had my picture taken, only to be talked about later online, I would not find Marty as nice as I do.  He always has something interesting to talk about and it all comes from a Starbucks.  (and you thought YOU eased dropped too much!)  Sometimes I think it's too much coffee, it gets to people you know.  ;)  He always has a friendly word and his blogs make me smile.  Here is Marty at  http://journals.aol.com/martygord/HeardatStarbucks/


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Thanks!  I have to admit, in the back of my mind I do wonder how "nice" I really am with some of my blog posts ... but to be honest I don't mean any harm by it and never actually do anything "mean."  So, thank you very much.  You're really the one who deserves a Nice Matters Award for all the selfless work you do rescuing animals!

Anonymous said...

I had tears in my eyes reading what you said about me, thank you so much.  I feel the same way about you, for sure!!!!  I was actually going to give you this award but I know you are pretty private so I wasn't sure if you would be happy with me bringing attention to you or not.  I am not familiar with some of the journals you listed but knowing you they must be good so I will check them out.  Thanks again, you are certainly most deserving of this award with everything you do....case and point....transporting all of those dogs (and then some!)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I grew up learning one important aspect of a person's personality....to judge them by how they treat their animals....harsh maybe....But that says a world about you dear one. You've gone above and beyond to rescue an animal, loved it, nurtured it. To me your perfect in an imperfect world. Your friendship has come to mean a lot to me this past few months. You are the poetry in the lives of those you come across....Thank you! I can't think of anyone more deserving than yourself for this award...Nice doesn't even begin to touch the surface. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award and the nice words.  I'm a little "blog break" now, but I really appreciate this.  You put me in awesome company.
