Saturday, February 16, 2008

I think we're alone now

I am coming down with a cold.  Colds suck.  No one considers you sick enough to be waited on and yet you feel sick enough to be waited on.  Where's my bell damnit?  Hopefully it doesn't get too awful.  As of right now, it's just the first signs of a cold coming on, scratchy throat and just all around knowing.  Therefore, I will not be attending tomorrow's adoption event.  Someone wanted me there so she could meet Doodle but I'm not up for it.  Plus, I have a date with my mummy.  ;)  We're taking Jasmine to see the Spiderwick Chronicles.  She's been asking to see it ever since she saw a preview of it.  I will need to call the lady back tomorrow and schedule a time when we'll be at petsmart.  I'm also going to tell her to fill out an application.  No sense meeting a dog if you won't get approved and it's obviously not going to be a walk in the park for whoever ends up getting this dog.  Everyone loves her a great deal at the rescue so they're all looking for what's best for her.  It's getting to the point that we don't even want to adopt animals out to boyfriend/girlfriends.  You cannot imagine how many animals have been returned because they split up.  It's in the CONTRACT that if you should split up, you should already have decided who gets to keep the dog.  I literally had 80 emails today from the rescue.  It was a busy email day for sure.

Last week, my husband and daughter got up early and went to get some breakfast from the kitchen.  The dogs were barking and my husband told them in not quite nice terms to shut up.  Immediately after saying that he heard a woman's voice say "Hello?"  The voice was coming from our kitchen.  He said he would've thought he was hearing things but Jasmine said "Daddy what was that?"  Must have freaked him out pretty good because he came in the bedroom and woke me up.  Now, I am used to hearing weird things around the house.  Once a week or so I hear an older man coughing.  Every night I hear folk/country music playing from the attic.  Occasionally I'll hear conversations but you can't make out what is being said.  This happens to me no matter where I live.  So yes, I'm used to it.  Apparently, when I'm not the one hearing it, it really freaks out anyone who comes in my house.  I mean they're used to me saying weird shit happens but when another person has confirmation that weird shit happens... wow.  My mom had nightmares that entire night after my husband told her.  And SHE doesn't even live in my house!  It doesn't bother me so much anymore.  Once and a while I wish they (whoever they are) would turn down the shitty music so I can sleep but other than that, I pretty much just act like they're not there.  You just get used to hearing those noises.  My mom says ghosts follow me.  Can people be haunted and not places?  I had similar issues when I lived at my mom's and as far as I know, they have since stopped since I moved out.  The dead seem to like me.  Before this started happening, I didn't really believe that people saw/heard things.  I figured there was always a logical explanation for what they were hearing.  Now that it is happening to me, I feel sometimes, there isn't an explanation.  Hey, at least I'm never alone.


Anonymous said...

Ghosts AND animals??  Yikes!  I hope your cold gets better soon -- get some zinc lozenges.


Anonymous said...

I hope you start feeling better soon - you are right about a one takes it seriously so the beat goes on (and on and on and on!).  

Anonymous said...

I've had it happen to me since I was a child. I saw my uncle die, when no one else knew the truth when I was 5. I don't tell Doc half the things that go on even now....he would be freaked out. He once told me, he looked in my eyes and I scared the crap out of him. He said I could swear it wasn't you, yet it was you, only I got the feeling you were an old soul just inhabiting your body for the time being.....(don't ask) He hasn't got past that image....I don know animals pick up on it when no one else does.

Hope your feeling better soon. Doodles is bound to get a wonderful home sooner or later with everyone looking out after him. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I have seen enough that I believe you. It would still freak me out, no doubt.