Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A new level of Pissed

Did anyone close to you ever do something you never thought they would?  I mean, they knew how much it would bother you, it's no secret.  Several weeks ago, me and Shawn were finishing dinner and getting Jasmine in the car when some guy approached asking for money.  Husband said no, guy walked away.  End of story right?  Tonight, Shawn says we're going out to get dinner.  Surprise to me since as far as I know, we're broke.  Then he says I can have a margarita if I want.  Still strange but it's two dollar Tuesday so no big deal.  I couldn't finish it so I gave the rest to him.  (what's new?)  He says the whole point was for you to have it, half jokingly.  Ok, whatever.  On the way home, he cautiously says 'So what do I have to do to get out of trouble for something I did a few weeks ago.'  Ok, guards up now and I'm already pissed.  I know my husband, I know he's about to piss me off, why wait.  He bought a gun.  A goddamn gun.  He says that night he couldn't protect his family if something had happened.  I say it wouldn't make a damned difference because you can't carry concealed anyways.  He argues that point.  Whatever, that's not my problem.  When I was in high school a dear friend shot and killed himself.  Not long after I tried to kill myself.  If I had access to a gun, I would be dead.  What happens if someday I get that depressed again and I have a gun at my disposal?  He says it'll be in a locked box.  Do you really think a key is going to stop someone if they're determined?  He says it'll be in the garage so technically not in the house.  Has that really ever stopped anyone?  And then who's it really protecting, your tools?  We don't speak till we get closer to home.  If you're not saying the gun is gone, don't bother speaking to me.  He says sorry I didn't think of it that way.  Still not hearing the gun is gone so I have nothing to say.  There are few things in this world that I am completely unwilling to compromise on.  My friends and family know that I have a low tolerance for guns.  I don't want them around me.  My husband knew my feelings before we were even together.  This is not new to him.  Ifother people want to have guns, that's their issue but I don't want guns in my house or in my presence.  "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."  Yeah bullshit.  The murder rate in this country would be much lower if they had more difficulty obtaining guns.  It's a lot harder to kill someone with your bare hands when you have to look them in the eye.  If he doesn't sell the gun, he will have an empty house to protect.  I just don't understand how he could do this?  He knows my feelings.  I can't help but be slightly upset with his friends who I'm sure encouraged him.  They like to go to the gun range and shoot.  I'm at a new place of pissed.  Usually, I shake and feel like beating someone.  Now, I'm calm but my stomach is tense and upset.  What the hell was he thinking?  Obviously he knew what was coming or he wouldn't have waited so long to tell me.  If you're some NRA freak, don't bother.  I don't care what you feel about guns and I don't give two shits if you have guns.  I don't want guns in my house. 


Anonymous said...

He should respect your feelings and not have it.  Alot of men don't have guns and can still "protect" their family.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Knowing how passionate you are about this he should have never bought the gun.  That was insensitive and completely illogical on two counts...one and the major reason is you have a small child in the house.  I would not have weapons in the house with a young child. Second, unless the gun in at his reach at all times (refer to first point so it can't be) it is useless, an intruder is not going to wait for him to go get the gun!  As far as being out ~ if he gets caught without a permit to carry a concealed he is in big time trouble.   Seems it isn't worth the trouble it has caused.  I hope he gets rid of it, properly.

Anonymous said...

If he knew your feelings on it, which he DID, seeing as he knew you would be all over him about it...he should never have gotten the gun. He knew better, but he was going to test the limits anyway. Sorry y'all are arguing and hope it gets resolved soon. Kelly

Anonymous said...

We don't have guns either.  He must have been really scared. Maybe training in a martial art would make him feel more confident?  I agree with you about guns, completely.

Anonymous said...

There are dozens of other ways to protect your family, martial arts, pepper spray, billy club (we keep one in the car within reach in case of the scenerio you and your husband were in..I was taught how to use it effectively to protect myself)....I think the Gun issue on his part was purely selfish, he wanted to go with friends to target practice. If that was the case let them keep the gun at their house, not yours. (Hugs) Indigo