Monday, February 11, 2008

I have never read a Jane Austen book

I'm watching the Jane Austen Book Club.  Joshua was pretty much a knock off of the good son and predictable at best.  My husband liked it but then again, he views movies just as movies, I look for a little originality.  Normally, my husband gets movies that are something that either he would enjoy or we would all enjoy.  That's not his fault as I never ask for movies unless they are something we'll both want to watch.  Recently I made a list of movies that I want him to pick up when he goes to the library.  I don't usually watch chick flicks or anything borderline chick flick.  I've decided to expand my movie repatuar to include those that are not murder filled, action packed, horror filled knockoffs.  Maybe I'll actually see something with substance.  My main bitch with chick flicks is the fact that they always try to make you cry.  I'm not a fan of crying in the first place and really not a fan of crying over something that isn't real.  There's enough real life trauma to cry over, I don't need a fake reason.


Anonymous said...

I haven't read Jane Austen.  I did see the movie Pride and Prejudice and liked it alot.  Linda

Anonymous said...

LOL, so I gather you dont' watch a lot of Lifetime or any of those "man hater" (as the guys I know call it) channels?  Me neither, I don't like the "chick flick" movies and haven't seen many.  I like action but as I am getting older horror movies, which I used to love, now give me horrible nightmares!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I saw that movie on a plane (again ... and again ... and again).  To be honest, I watched some of it once and then just didn't listen to the sound.  Personally, I'd rather read a book, Jane Austen or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I'm good for books! As for an all time favorite movie, I don't know why but I loved the movie by Jim Carey "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind"....wonderful and highly recommended! (Hugs) Indigo