Sunday, February 3, 2008

Screw it, I've got a movie to watch

Today wasn't too awful, at least not as far as my cousin and her new husband goes.  The very first thing my dad says to me, (note he is across the room when I walk in the door) is I don't mean this to be rude but did one of your dogs pee on your coat or something cuz I smell something.  No he wasn't joking.  I said no and felt like crying.  And then he made sure to ask everyone else if they smelled anything.  Thanks.  I wanted to turn around and leave.  As if I didn't feel like shit enough about this day.  My cousin seemed to be on her best behavior because if I hadn't previously known her, I may have actually liked her.  Her husband seemed a wee bit dumb but funny so it didn't make the night a complete waste.  I was actually enjoying chit chat but my dad had to of said that it was getting laid, he needed a nap, so we left.  I see my cousin once a year if that and he wanted us to leave because he took too much valium before we got there.  (he's usually up from 4pm to 4am due to his job, we were there till ten)  Whatever.  At least she knows that if she needs someone to talk to, she can email me or god forbid, call me.  (she had a miscarriage several months ago and even though she's been trying ever since, she's not pregnant yet... I tried to explain that it takes a while for your body to bounce back from that)

I'm watching Knocked Up on something called an ipod.  Do you have ANY idea how long it took me to figure out how to turn down the volume????  God how old am I really???  Sorry I just don't do the computer that fits into the palm of my hand.  It's weird.  I feel like crap, like I'm going to throw up.  It's actually a really cute movie.  I thought for sure it was going to be a total guy movie but so far it's cute, it's almost so cute that it should be a girl movie.  haha But there's just enough vulgar maleness in it to be a guy movie.  ;)  Ah, hell, I might as well end this entry as I can't stop watching the damned movie.  It's super cute though. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, how horrible that your dad said that to you - I can just imagine how you must have felt.  I'm sorry you had to go through that.  I have an IPod and it took me a few months before I even had the courage to try to use it!!!!  I hope you are feeling better after the movie.