Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hair today, gone tomorrow

I'm getting my hair cut at the end of this month and I'm thinking of one of these two styles.  I want it short again.  I was going to just have it cut the same way I had it two years ago but I figure what the hell, it grows back.  I'm also dying it brown with some highlights but haven't decided the color of the highlights yet.


Anonymous said...

I like both of them but I would have to choose the red one as my favorite.  I would love to have my hair like that but I don't have the hair for it.  I have natural curls and if it is not pulled and stretched and flat other words an hour of straightening,....I can't get that look.  I think either style is great and would love both.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lisa either one would look great. I'm growing mine out a little at the moment...not sure how long that will last before I cut it into a short pixie again. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Your brave for getting it short, I havent had mine short in a long time, and even then, it wasnt this short. :)