Saturday, February 28, 2004

Real Women

I just got done watching a really good movie.It's called "Real Women Have Curves." It's kind of a spanish based movie.You can watch it in English or Spanish but it's primarily in English.I had asked DH to rent it for me because I had only gotten to see a portion of it on HBO and wanted to watch the whole thing all the way through.He ended up buying it for me for Valentine's Day.I just didn't watch it until tonight.I think I was kind of waiting for the right night.I don't know if that makes much sense.I just knew how much this movie would touch me.I've always been very interested in Spanish heritage and the way people live in Mexico.I should be interested, DH is half Latino.Even before he and I got together though, I was always drawn to that culture.I want our children to have a stronger bond with their heritage than I had with mine.This movie isn't even close to what it's actually like but I enjoyed it anyways.It really touched me.I really don't have much to say.I just wanted to share that movie with you.Even if I'm the only out there that liked it.I'm getting ready to make a list of the seeds I need for spring.We're going to plant pumpkins this year.I have several kinds of flowers that I'd like to plant too.This yard needs some color to it.I want sunflowers for the birds.Morning glories for me.I'd like some Iris' too.I just don't know where I want to plant everything.The pumpkins will be hard because I need some place in the yard where there's a decent amount of room and no animals will trample them or eat them.That's the problem with goats, they'll eat anything that's not cement.Maybe I'll look up some flowers while I'm on here.Anyone out there have a favorite flower that they like to plant or see planted?I'm really fond of morning glories, especially if there's a good variety of colors.It's like, every morning there's a present waiting for you outside, all you have to do is get up early enough to open it.Well, that's all for me.I've got to get back to the circus.The bird keeps attempting to remove the cats paws, the dogs are fighting over a sock and the bunnies are making noise about wanting more water.


Friday, February 27, 2004

Nothing New

Well, there's not a whole lot new today. My mom might get laid off due to some other company striking. They make axle's or something. My mom works for the H2 (Hummer) plant, which is kind of owned by GM and GM gets 90% of some part from them. Can't make more Hummer's without that ole axle. I found out that the little kitty, is still homeless. DH went down to the people's house I thought he may belong to and they said they don't have a cat like that and they too just had a female dropped off in front of their house. At least we didn't end up with both of them. Did litter boxes today. *shudder* Cats have the worst smelling poop and pee out of anyother animal. It's my least favorite thing about all these animals. One gets an upset tummy and they alllll get an upset tummy. Ick.

Since I don't have much to say, I figured I'd just tell ya all some of the things I've learned over the years. There is no perfect animal. The ugliest animal ever created, was man. Birds have very complex little minds and caring for them, can be complicated.preview All animals deserve to be loved and none should ever die in the backroom of a shelter just because they were born at the wrong time or to the wrong people.previewHorses are just big dogs. You only know your true friends when in times of crisis. Blood is thicker than water, it just takes some people longer to realize it than others. Most trash, can be used somehow for an animal. Example: an old grate to a bird cage, can be used as a shelf in a cat cage for resting, an old "useless" towel, can be used as a hammock, pop caps can be used as bird toys, pepsi boxes make nice bunny houses.  I could make that list go on and on. Animal people are very sensitive to what's said around and about their animals.  That's my wisdom for the day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Work And Then Some....

I went up to the shelter today.There's really not much new since the last time I was up there.We have a new dog, a border collie mix.A new goat.His name is Tucker and he's absolutely giant!He's very large for a pygmy.A few new cats and a couple more guinea pigs but that's about it.We have three puppies coming in this weekend sometime from central Indiana.I think I may have found the stray cat's home.There's some people that moved in this past summer and when they moved in, the previous owner had left two kittens behind She was keeping them in the barn and I'm pretty sure one of them was gray and white.I'll have to find out for sure tomorrow though.I really hope this kitty has a home.I hate this journal thing sometimes.You guys all comment and there's really no place for me to answer your comments.So I think I'm going to use this entry for just that.Forgive me if I keep jumping around on this one, I'll have to keep returning to my journal to find out what has been written by all of you.To answer the question about betta's being in those small little containers; I don't know if that's a good size or not, I surely wouldn't want to live out the rest of my life in a little bowl.I usually give them a good sized tank, especially if I get lucky enough to find a betta compatible with other fish.I currently have 6 female betta's in a ten galloon tank and they do great together I've never had female's that fight.The pigeon, Cloud as a pet is a long story.I might explain someday but it'll be another one of those long entries.His previous owner was a breeder and didn't want him, he basically could've cared less if he lived or died.Sxysweetart, I'm sorry you don't have horses anymore.I did read your journal entry, I'm just not real good at leaving comments more times than not.If you're ever in Northern Indiana, send me an email and if weather is permitting, we can go out riding!If anyone ever has questions for me, about anything, just comment or email and I'll be sure to get back to you.If you ever have any animal questions, I'm knowledgeable in most areas and with most animals.LOL


Raining Cats and... Cats

There's a very good possibility that the little female stray is pregnant.  She's really way too young to be having a litter of kittens.  This is probably her very first heat.  I was fairly hopeful that she wouldn't be prego but now I'm having my doubts.  The reason for that is, suddenly there's more strays outside my door.  Which usually means there's a cat somewhere in heat or was recently in heat.  Gee, I wonder where there's a female unspayed cat that could've went into heat?  Me and my mom were watching "In a fix" and heard cats outside fighting.  One of them was our only indoor/outdoor cat, Scardy. He can usually be found patrolling the yard and making sure no unauthorized cats enter his territory.  I ran outside, barefoot (apparently my brain thought it had suddenly turned into summer overnight) and found a ball of fur rolling around, hissing and growling.  I first tried the 'here kitty, kitty' obviously not going to get their attention.  I then attempted the hysterical screaming 'you two knock it off!' again, no results.  I followed the ball of fur across the driveway where they stopped for a breather and to stare at one another.  This time when I called here kitty kitty, the stray started to come to me, only to be attacked by my cat once again.  From what I saw of him though, he looks like a purebred Russian Blue.  Basically, he's a really pretty colored gray cat.  I eventually found Scardy in the barn licking his wounds.  He's getting older and isn't quite the tom cat he used to be, don't tell him that though.  I carried him in the house and cleaned his wounds and left a note not to allow him outside no matter what type of deal he tries to make for a pardon.  He can go back out in a few days.  Hopefully, the other cat will have given up on finding a girlfriend by then.

Vet business

We took our pigeon, Cloud to the vet today for the first time.  He needed to have his beak trimmed.  Only took a few minutes and he was a good boy the whole time!  We'll probably have to take him up there every few months otherwise his beak just keeps growing until he can't eat or even drink. 

I'll be going to work tomorrow!!!!  Yippy!!  Well, technically, I'll be going to work today.  I haven't been to the shelter in quite some time and I'm sure I'll be in for a guilt trip.  For now, I'm going to count the days till Ohio!  And of course, I have to split up my entry.  Maybe I need to learn how to use less details?

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


I'm really starting to get excited about going to Ohio to the equine affair.  My mom is trying to find something that we can do that I'll enjoy as well.  I'd really like to go to the Columbus Zoo.  It's just so huge that I don't know if we'll have time.  I'm a big zoo person.  Everytime we leave town, I check the net to see if there's a zoo in a nearby city that we could stop by.  Even if we don't get a chance to go by the zoo, I still think it'll be a lot of fun. 

 I still haven't found the little stray kitty's home. She's definitely made herself at home here though. I took her downstairs earlier and watched tv with her in an enclosed room. She acted like it was no big deal, like she'd always been in that room, in this house. Silly cat.

 I was looking for a bird show in Ohio but actually found one much closer to home. The weekend before the equine affair, there's going to be a bird thing in Mishawaka, about 20 minutes from my house. Admission is only $3 per person. I'm going to see if I can talk DH into taking me. They'll have a few vendors there. Bird stuff is always cheaper if you buy it directly from a vendor. I can't wait to bring home all those toys for Ellie!!!! Not much has really happened today. It was the 5th anniversary of the day my friend killed himself, so I wasn't up for much. (on the 23rd) I never am this time of year. I basically just slept all day today and spent some time getting to know the little kitty. I'll try and get some pics of her on here soon. I don't have a diigital camera so I'll end up having to take her up to the shelter and have her picture taken there.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Was I born in Catnip??? Part 1

I woke up today, with the intent on relaxing. I figured I deserved it after the night I had, right? Well, someone else apparently had other plans for me. I was laying in my room with my legs up on pillows, watching the Rockingham race, or at least getting ready to. I heard our dogs outside barking and I lifted Mia, DH's dog, up to look out the window. I wasn't looking for anything really, just goofing off with the dog. All of the sudden, this animal goes flying across my pasture. At first, I figured it was a bunny, that is, until it climbed up a tree and then I was pretty sure it was a cat, unless bunnies can suddenly climb. I got my shoes on and grabbed a jacket and set out for the field. My mom had been outside feeding horses and I asked her if she'd seen it and she said 'How could I not? He was in here fighting with Scardy.' I continued out to the pasture, hoping the cat was still in the tree and hadn't fled yet. He was up the tree all right. And crying to get down. Cats are born with claws, you'd think they'd learn how to use them. Me and my mom stood at the bottom of the tree for a good ten minutes trying to teach this cat the proper way to get down. Eventually, he got close enough that I could grab his neck. I always brace myself for the claws that are about to be dug into me and the teeth that are about to be snapping at my face but this one, he never even hissed. I could smell the gasoline and oil on him as soon as he was in my arms. I knew immediately, this cat had been sleeping inside of an engine recently. I carried him to our bathroom, only to find out, he is actually a she and an unspayed she at that. My initial plan had been to bring it in the house, clean it up, get him/her some food and water and let him back outside. But I am not about to be responsible for this cat having a litter of kittens, especially considering the cat probably doesn't have a home and is planning on making her home here. Then, I'd be stuck with a female cat AND her kittens, no thank you. Now though, I had to clean out a cat cage for her and find something to put kitty litter in. 

Was I born in Catnip??? 2

Thankfully, I have plenty of cages. Now, you may be wondering, why would I put her in a cage, why wouldn't I just let her run the house? Well, because I don't know this cat and don't know if she has diseases that could infect my other cats, therefore, she's going in the foster room. She took very well to being caged, some cats scream for the first few hours but she was very calm. Now, I knew I had to get all that oil off of her so I finally got around to clipping her nails and getting out the Dawn. Thankfully, she did great and basically didn't fight me at all throughout the whole thing. She'll need another bath to get rid of the rest of the oil but for the most part, she's much cleaner. I started to make phone calls, to try and see if I could find her owner. The first call I made, I ended up with yet another cat to find a home for. My neighbors daughter is getting ready to move from the house she is renting and has been feeding a stray. The landlord won't allow the cat in the house and for whatever reason they have decided not to bring the cat with them. Usually, I'd casually look for a home for it, but the idiot who threw this cat outside, had it declawed first. Now this cat is outside, soon to be without food and defenseless. I decided not to make anymore calls today. It was a sign. LOL  Now, until I hopefully find this kitty's owners, I need to call her something. I've decided to leave that up to the journal community. I'll give you a brief description of the cat and you can either email me your name idea or put it in the comments. I'll either choose the one I like the most or draw one out of a hat. I haven't decided for sure yet but I think I'll probably do the later so everyone has a chance. She is a basic gray and white cat. More gray than white. Mostly her underside and a little of her face is white. She has sort or a Hitler type mustache. She's on the smaller side. She's extremely affectionate. And of course, she has just went from the recently oil black, to the nice white paws. If you have any questions on her, let me know.

Long, Long Day.. part 1

Good god, I just wrote a whole journal entry, just to get booted when I went to save it. Aol, if you're out there, I'm deleting your beta and I won't be testing again... ever. Onto what I came here for 20 mins. ago. Today was a very long day. A terrible, no good, very bad day. I spent most of the day with my mom, shopping. Our last stop was to Walmart. Of course, me being the sucker for animals that I am, always has to go check up on their fish. Usually they're in horrible condition, I bitch, they promise to fix the problem and nothing ends up getting done. When I got back there today, there were 3 itsy bitsy frogs. They weren't even what I'd call "adult" frogs. I knew they'd die if I left them so of course, I brought them home with me. I also bought 2 algea eaters and a gravel cleaner. For those of you who have no idea what that is, it sucks up water and all the yucky stuff from the gravel, without sucking up the gravel. It worked pretty well too I might add. We come home and it's about 11pm. I start to make the fish tank clean for the little froggies. My mom went out to feed the horses... moments later she came in the house screaming that all of our horses are missing. (we have 3) The boys took off in DH's truck to go look for them, while me and my mom set off on foot. We eventually ended up following all the hoof tracks through our neighbors yards. We never thought anyone would actually be awake to see us doing this but we were wrong. As we came out of one yard, a bright spotlight was on us and a cop was asking what we were doing. He was very nice. He gave us a number to call for dispatch and they'd call us if anyone reported any 3,000lb animals running around. By this time, it's getting really late. We've all but given up hope for the night.

Long, Long Day.. part 2

I get a phone call on my cell phone from DH, telling me to haul ass down the road. The stupid horses were within 3 houses of us the entire night. Turns out, when DH drove down the road, the horses recognized his engine and thought he was coming home to feed them, they whinied. It took a little while to get them to finally come home without bolting but eventually they were back in their stalls, unharmed. We got in the house at 2am. I am still cold and so sore. We were walking and running through snow drifts, up railroad tracks, and slipping on ice. I really think we went at least 5 miles. Lucky men got to drive around in a nice warm truck. On top of that, I just realized, my journal entry from yesterday, isn't all there. I wrote it on the beta journal, which has 25,000 limit but only other people using beta, can view all 25,000. Now, I'm off to fix it so that it's all viewable and remove anything related to beta, from my computer.

Depressed Today.. part 1

I'm not having such a good day today.  I've been rather lost the last couple of weeks.  Not really knowing where I'm going in life and how long it's going to take me to get there.  I really want to be a vet assistant or vet tech.  I have a lot of knowledge in animals, obviously but haven't had to motivation to put in applications.  I'm not sure if I'm afraid they'll say no or if I'm actually afraid they'll say yes.  I'd have to grow up and take responsibility for my life then.  I just really don't know what I want.  Some days, I'd like to just take the car and drive.  Just to get the hell out of here.  Next month I'll probably be going to Ohio for the Equine show with my mom.  I don't like horses but it'll be nice to get out of here.  I like to look at horses, just not be around them or ride them is what I should've said.  I've been having problems sleeping for years and stupid me, I didn't realize until just a few nights ago, that it's because I'm worrying about things that happened years ago.  When I lay down to sleep, I think about the same shit, over and over again.  Things I can't change.  I'm going to take a washable marker and start writing these things down on the wall next to my bed.  That way, I can remember it later and not have to get up to find a piece of paper or anything else.  At night, I'll get all this motivation up, to actually go out and do something with my life and by the time I wake up in the morning, it's gone.  I wake up, feeling like doing nothing.  I honestly don't mean for this to be so depressing.  I'm hoping, by writing it all down, I'll start to feel better.   

Today, it was a mix of sleet, rain and snow.  All day long.  The dogs had to stay outside part of the day.  (they're not allowed inside if no one is here... they become bad dogs then)  So, everyone came in muddy and soaking wet.  And of course, they don't shake outside, they wait until they're all standing right in front of you.  I swear, they do it on purpose.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Depressed Today... part 2

Ellie actually whistled in front of people today!  She usually only whistles infront of family but my brother had his girlfriend and her friend over and Ellie did so many whistles!!!  Good Bird!!!  A quick hint, when washing your cats, trim both their front and back nails, especially the back nails.  If they're really bad about water, hold them on the back of the neck and the skin back by their tail, you'll get less injuries that way, both of you.  I have one cat, a foster, that will actually lay in the sink while I give her a bath.  She's pretty laid back.  We have another cat though, that turns into super cat and is stronger than DH during bath time.  Sorry, I didn't write this earlier Brit, hope you're not scratched to hell and back.  LOL   

Tomorrow is my grandparents 45th wedding anniversary!!!!!  Can you imagine being with someone that long?  It's not wonder they want to kill eachother half the time!  I had no idea they'd been together that long until me and my mom did the math today.  Well, I'm off to play on the net for a while and then head to bed.  It's almost 5am here.  I really should've been in bed a long time ago.   

Oh!  I have a drink review for today.  I tried a cosmopolitan at Hacienda today.  I'd never had one and I'm always up for trying new alcohol.  I hated it!!!!  I'm not a fan of cranberry's so that's got a lot to do with it but even DH didn't like it and he'll drink damned near anything.  I just thought it was terrible.  I find it hard to believe it's such a popular drink.  For now I'll stick with my white russian's and mudslide's.  I also like the drink sex on the beach but I'm always too embarrassed to ask for it.  LMAO

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Bad Cat

I thought I'd be nice today and let the cats out of their "houses" and have the run of the house.  A few hours went by and things were going fine.  Around 5pm, I heard a crash, and squawking birds.  When I reached the bird room, Charlie, my cockatiel, his cage was on the floor and had been completely trashed.  Thankfully, Charlie was ok, just pissed that he had beed flipped upside down.  I put the cats away but there's always one or two that I have trouble finding.  It was just one today.  I let her be and figured she'd come out in a few hours.  I ended up falling asleep and woke up, quickly realizing that Sweety was still running about.  I spent a good hour looking for her before I found her under the couch.  Apparently, she too had taken a nap. 


After all the craziness, I went to do some laundry.  But of course, I get to the washer and there's clothes in the washer, it's full of water and soap, someone had just forgotten to close the lid.  I hate that.  I try to get my clothes out of both the washer and the dryer as soon as my clothes are done.  I just wish everyone else would do the same.  I'll be the first to admit that I tend to be a little anal when it comes to how things should be done and where they should go but all I'm asking for is some common curtesy.  Well, tomorrow is store day and I have to get up a little earlier than usual, so I'm off to bed. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


This is actually an addition to the last entry but I went over the 2500 limit, go figure.  By the end of the day, I'm going to have ten entries just for one day at the rate I'm going.  I'm working on an icky job today.  I've been putting this off for weeks now and it's finally just time to do it and get it over with.  The fish tanks have needed their filter thing cleaned for a while.  ICK!  I finished one since I've been up.  Now I just have to do the really disgusting one.  The tube that the water goes up, always gets gunky on the inside and it's a pain to get all that crap out.  All the while, I'm looking prissy, trying like hell not to get any of the gunk or water that comes out of it.  My brother got up for school and was like, what are you doing?  My 20 gallon tank, is wonderful.  It's always clean and if you didn't actually see the fish, you'd think there wasn't any in there because it's that clean.  My 10 gallon on the other hand, is always nasty.  I can never keep it clean.  I don't know if it's the filter or the fish.  I've got 6 female betas in the 10 gallon, a sucker fish, and 3 kuli loaches.  The other tank, there's 5 hi-fin sharks, 4 tetra's and a sucker fish.  I think I'm going to get a snail for the ten gallon.  I just hope the kuli loaches let him leave long enough to let him do his job.  Loaches eat snails in the ocean and they love them as a treat in captivity.  Now, I don't really like to put something in the tank, full well and knowing that it's going to be killed but I have to do something.  Well, I'm off to finish the other tank.  I'll be back later.  Ewwwwwww.

P.S. If you're a regular, and I've failed to put you on the "other journals" part of my journal, please leave me a comment and I'll be sure to do it soon.  I'm horrible when it comes to putting journals on there!  I'm sorry to all of you that I've so far neglected!!!!


Another day where I'm up way too early.  I'm a weird person.  I'm either up way too late or at an ungodly early time of morning.  I was up and wide awake at 4:30am today, whereas, yesterday, I woke up at 5:30PM!!!  Notice a little difference there?  LOL  Yesterday, we did our animal shopping.  Put the cockatiel food in the freezer, now I just have to murder all the innocent bugs in the rest of the seed containers.  I'm going to feel horrible.  I hate killing things.  When I was little, I used to kill carpenter ants, just for no reason.  One day, my dad saw me and told me that, that ant probably had a family and now it's family wonders where it went.  I haven't been able to kill anything without feeling like there was a little bug family out there looking for it's little bug husband since.  It's weird how things like that stick with you when you're a kid.  He only said that to me one time and it's still in my head all these years later.   

Tuesday, February 17, 2004


I swear this is the last entry tonight.  I'm sitting here on the computer and my dog is downstairs barking, and barking, and barking.  I just blow it off.  I hear the engines outside but just figure some trucker got lost and now he's checking his route.  Of course, my dumbass, doesn't bother to get up, just to be sure that's what it is.  I get done on here and go downstairs to use the bathroom, only I don't make it that far.  All I can see out my windows is red and white flashing lights.  They're from the fire engines that are everywhere in my neighbors yard.  Apparently, while I was sitting here in journal land, minding my own business, my neighbors house caught fire.  At least that's what I'm assuming.  The firemen are out there getting pretty annoyed with the neighborhood, I'm sure.  See, when something happens out here in our little area (it's full of dead ends and we all know eachother real well) we all come out of our little houses, get in our little cars and go to see if it was someone we cared about that lost their house or worse.  Now, the firemen don't much care for this, we get in their way and they think we're just being nosy.  I guess in a way we are but we really care about these people out here and just want to offer them support and comfort if we can.  I know a great deal of those guys that are out there fighting what's left of this fire and most of them are pretty understanding about this type of thing but it still gets under their skin.  Thankfully, most of the caring neighbors that have come out, have thanked the firemen for getting out here so quick and just doing their job in general.  The guys like to hear that, especially since they're all volunteers in our community.  No, our firemen don't get paid to do this, they do it because they care.  I know most firemen do it because they care as well, I'm not putting down the ones that do get paid.  I just think the volunteers should get an extra little applause once and a while.  I'll let ya'll know how my neighbors are tomorrow, when I talk to them. 

Me = Computer Illiterate

I want to learn how to do the dollz thing online.  One big problem... I don't have any fancy programs to do this on, just the paint program that comes with Windows.  And I have something called windows imaging.  I've taken a couple of bases from other websites (not using them online, just playing) and tried to do some basic clothes and have pretty much had a problem.  For some odd reason, the so called paint program will only let me use the colors that are already on the doll bases.  In other words, I pick blue for my color and it gives me gray.  Ugh, it looks like I'm going to be very frustrated until I can get a program like Paintshop Pro.  My mom has that program on her computer but I have all the stuff I need (other than the program itself) on my computer.  Oh well, it's not the end of the world.  I just hate having to put the links on my page and go through all the giving credit thing and would rather just make my own.  Besides, I need a hobby.  And for the Aol people that organize this whole journal thing, I need more space... now.  Not this summer, not this fall, not in 2005, NOW.  I'm not patient when it comes to my journal, computer and anything that revolves around it.  There have been days when I've had to add 3 entries because I didn't have enough space.  I command you to add space.  *POOF*  All done?  No?  Crap.  Oh well, I'm off to look at more blinkie's and such.  Yes, I will be blinkie obsessed for quite a while. 


Not much really new today.  Cleaned out all the foster kitties cages.  I sure wish I knew whether there was a shelter or if I'm a part of the shelter anymore.  The shelter's computer has been down and I haven't had any contact with anyone over there in almost two weeks.  We're going to the store tomorrow to buy all the animals their food and litter.  I have to buy all new bird food (besides Ellie's) because I have seed eating bugs.  They've actually eaten all my bird food.  It's all just empty shells.  Bastards.  I've gotten many good tips on how to get rid of them though.  Since I buy bulk bird food, most of the time, it comes with bugs.  I'm supposed to freeze the bird food which will kill the little buggers.  I hate killing things but as long as I don't actually see any bugs, then I don't actually know there's a bug in there... right?  I can force myself to believe that... I think... I hope.  The last time I had these bugs, I just left them be and then my birds died of old age.  Well, I felt bad killing the bugs... um... *embarrassed grin* so I kept buying small amounts of bird seed to keep them alive.  Hey, they stayed in their little home.  It was sealed shut and I gave them the occasional drops of water.  I know, I'm messed up.  DH thought I was weird for that but allowed me to keep my bug hill.  Last winter though, I had a huge prego banana spider on my porch.  She gave birth to two huge sacks.  I begged him to let me bring the sacks in for the winter so the babies wouldn't die but he wouldn't let me.  The momma spider died of natural causes shortly after giving birth, otherwise I would have been bringing her in the house.  Needless to say, the babies were all dead after winter.  See, so if you ever think you're weird, come back to my journal and I'll give you reasons to think you're quite normal.  *Grin*

Monday, February 16, 2004

Blinkie, Blinkie, Blinkie

I've become a blinkie fanatic within a matter of minutes.  I came upon a site, a site dedicated to all blinkie's, and haven't looked back.  Now I can't decided which blinkie's to use and when to use them!!!  This aol journal thing has become a curse.  I'm obsessed with graphics, clipart AND blinkie's now!!!  It's an addiction!  I need a twelve step program!!!!  Ahhhhhhh!Ok, I'm semi-calm now.  I've returned from the land of crazy.  Believe it not, I'm actually very tired right now.  I started looking at blinkie's and lost track of time.  It's almost 5am!  There was something I wanted to blink, uh, I mean say, blink blink blink, but for some strange reason, I can't remember, blink, what it was.  I need a back rub, or a better computer chair.  This one I have now is like sitting on cement.  So, back to my life as a crazy person.  LOL  I still have so many animals to feed and it's sooooo late!  I really shouldn't even be sitting here writing anymore.  I should be getting off my butt to feed them all.  Me and DH went all over the place today and I forgot we need animal food!  He's gonna be mad in the morning when I tell him we're going to have to go out after he gets home to do some more shopping.  Plus, Ellie is out of fruit, veggies AND peanuts.  She'll go plain nuts without her peanuts.  We've recently had a bug outbreak.  I'm really getting sick of these bugs.  If it's not one bug, it's another.  These are little seed eating bugs.  Perfectly harmless to me and the birds but they're eating all the bird food!  On top of that, they are everywhere!!!  On my bed, clothes, just everywhere.  I'm waiting for a few bird people to write me back and tell me how to get rid of them without killing my birds.  That's the only thing I dislike about birds.  You have to be really careful about the products you use around them.  They're extremely sensitive to chemicals and such.  I can't even burn scented candles around them.  Which I hate because I'm a candle fanatic.  Oh well.  I'm going to let the seed bugs bite now.

Sunday, February 15, 2004


Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Thank you for all your input on the tattoo's.  I'm still not sure which one I like more though.  Oh well, I don't have to decide right this second.  For Valentine's Day, I got a little spoiled.  I got a dozen red roses.  Two movies that I've been wanting, "Tusan Sun" and "Real Woman Have Curves."  We went out to eat.  We got tickets to the South Bend Symphony Orchestra at The Morris Performing Arts Center.  It was a special Valentine's Day thing up there.  Afterwards, I didn't feel much like heading home, so we went to see a movie, "The Butterfly Effect."  Then, *Grin* I STILL didn't want to go home.  (It was well past 1am by this time) so we went up to Meijer and got some stuff for the parakeets.  He bought me the Katy Rose cd.  And then we came back home.  I don't know what's up with me.  When I'm actually in a good mood for once and having a good time, I just don't want to go home, ever.  I don't want the night to end because I guess I'm afraid I'll wake up the next day and it won't be the same.  Of course it won't be!  Silly woman!

"The Butterfly Effect" was a great movie!  It was very, um, strange though.  It was one messed up movie, that's for sure.  DH doesn't really get into the "thinking" movies so I had to explain a lot of it to him afterwards.  I loved it though and so did he!  You should all definitely see it, even if you wait till it comes out on DVD/Video.  Hope everyone had a good V-Day as well.  I'm going to bed now!  It's after 3am!  I've had a full day, that's for sure!

Friday, February 13, 2004


What do ya think?  I know, I know, everyone has butterflies right?  Too bad.  Help me decide between them!!!  I like them all!!!  Need some input... Thanks everyone!

Reviews are In (mine anyways)

I know the reviews for Katy Rose "Because I Can" haven't been that great but I just love her.  This song "Overdrive" just makes you want to jump around and scream to it at the top of your lungs.  Ellie doesn't seem to care for it though.  Maybe she's just trying to headbang.  LOL

Let's see what movies I've seen lately.  "Once upon a Time in Mexico" wasn't worth my time or my money.  The last 45 minutes were just guys getting shot.  Usually that's fine but there was no story line to it at all.  "Under The Tusan Sun" was a great movie.  I will be buying that movie.  Guys ~ this is a great date movie ~ Valentine's Day!!  "Thirteen," now I can't say enough about this movie.  I just loved it.  It's where I first heard of Katy Rose and her song "Overdrive."  Plus, it is just like my entire teenage years, only I was toned down a little bit more than those girls were.  I guess most girls feel like that but I don't think most of them go through all that stuff, only the more wild ones.  I was a born wild child.  ; ) 

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo.  Just a little one and in a place that I can cover it up.  I can't wait to get married this summer.  And it's not so I can "be" married.  It's so I can get it over with already.  LOL  I know you're thinking, "why are you getting married when you think of it that way."  We already feel married, this is just the legal crap.  I want to get it over with though so I can do whatever I want with my hair.  I have to leave it alone until after my wedding day so I can have it in an updo.  After that though, I'm chopping it off.  I've actually thought of shaving it a few times.  hehe DH would NOT be happy about that.  It's my hair though.  Screw everyone else.  I'll post the pics of the tattoo's I'm thinking of getting later on. 

Thursday, February 12, 2004


Yesterday, I woke up with some pain in the corner of my eye.  Now, it only hurt everytime I blinked so I just tried to ignore it the best I could.  But, this morning I woke up with a LOT of pain in the corner of my eye.  Still, only when I blink but it really hurts to blink!!!  Not something you can just stop doing.  I ended up falling asleep for a few hours this morning because I had stopped blinking... ok, I closed my eyes but I DID stop blinking.  I really can't afford another doctor's appointment so I surely hope this just goes away. 

I've decided not to do anything today.  I usually don't do anything anyways but I don't say that I'm not going to do anything.  I sit around and tell myself, 'Now come on Jamie, just get up and get something done,' only to keep watching tv/sitting on the computer/just sitting and feel bad about it later but today I thought I'd just say from the start of the day, to hell with it all.  I'll take care of the animals but that's just because I can't NOT take care of them.  I'm just going to relax and hold a warm washcloth over my eye. 

For those of you who wanted to know, the bunny is now doing fine.  Apparently, they have "cycles" just like people.  At least that's what I'm told and that's what I'm going to believe for now.  I was constantly worried that I was going to come up here and she would be dead.  The bleeding has completely stopped so I'm not too worried anymore.  And, the cockatiel, Charlie... he's still quiet.  I'm in heaven!


Last night, I'm thinking, I should be able to sleep pretty good considering I woke up at 5am and only got 5 hours of sleep.  I was sadly mistaken.  I went to sleep at midnight, only to wake up at 4am and I mean I was wide awake.  I'm going to need a lot of caffeine to get me through today.  I can tell already that I'm going to end up taking a little nap.  It can't be helped.

I really didn't do much yesterday, considering I had the whole day to do whatever needed to be done.  I basically just did my best to stay awake.  I decided to move the budgies... yet again.  I had three of them in with the cockatiel, thinking that maybe he was just in need of a friend and that would shut him up.  It only seemed to make him louder than before.  Plus, I swear he was trying to kill them.  I moved them into their own cage next to the other two budgies.  I put the tiel's cage next to his previous roommates.  And you know what?  He was finally quiet.  Apparently, he didn't want them living with him but he doesn't want to live without them either.  He sat at the bottom of his cage all day, as close to them as he could get and didn't say a peep.  I swear, it was like the sun had just come out for the first time in months.  It was so nice to finally hear silence.  You have no idea what it's like to have a bird that squawks all day long, nonstop.  It really makes you want to pull your hair out.  Go figure, now that he's quiet, I can't stay asleep.  Before, I used to wake up a thousand times because he wouldn't shut up. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

EARLY!! Ugh I hate morning

I actually fell asleep last night!!!  But I woke up after a few hours and now I can't go back to sleep.  Guess I'm doomed to be a bit loopy the rest of the day.  Sometimes when I don't get enough sleep, I'm a little, uh, goofy.  hehe  AND it's not even 8am yet and that cockatiel is ALREADY squawking!

I've gotten my record comments today!  3!!!  Why did it have to be my most depressing entry so far though?  I check this thing everyday and tell myself, *sigh* one day I too will be a popular journal person.  I'm doing the "i think i can, i think i can."  I feel like I can only write about animal stuff because I stupidly, thought that was all I would want to talk about.  I wonder if it really matters what I talk about.  It's MY journal, right?  I just don't want to dissapoint the animal loving people out there, who find my journal and are like 'I don't want to hear about HER, I want to hear about the animals.'  Well, too bad because I wanna talk about me. 

Oh, that's bad.  Ellie (my senegal parrot for you newcomers) just went back to sleep.  That's really bad when you get up earlier than the birds.  It's not too early for the cats though!  They've turned my bedroom into the Indy 500 this morning.  Whew, glad I wasn't in that bed when those claws ran across it.  Shoot, I'm not supposed to talk about the animals.  Hmph, maybe next time.  Afterall, I will be awake for a looooooong time today so I can write and write and write in my journal.  Won't you all just love that?  hehe... Ok, yeah, it's time for me to go run laps with the cats or something.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Reading Journals

I think I could actually read other people's journal's all day and night.  To me, sometimes it's just as theraputic to read other journal's, as it is to write in my own.  You know how sometimes, you have a really sad memory and you try to avoid thinking about it.  Mine is a memory of a person.  I try not to think of him.  I try not to look as his picture that is in most rooms of my house.  I try not to look at where he used to live. (right next door) Some days, I can do this fairly well.  But today, I came across a journal that made it so I couldn't avoid him at all.  Do you ever feel like it's good to have that sad memory thrown up in your face.  Just once and a while have a good cry about it?  Sometimes, I feel like I hold him inside all the time and eventually it all has to come spilling out.  For a long time I swear, he was haunting me.  I would dream about him constantly.  I heard things that weren't there.  Felt things that weren't there.  One night, I just started screaming for him to leave me alone... and he did.  Now, there's days when I miss the "haunting."  It was probably all in my mind but I miss it none the less.  It was almost like he was here.  There's days I wish I could forget him entirely.  Days I wish I'd never met him.  Because then, I wouldn't feel so much pain when thinking about him.  I wouldn't wish him back.  I wouldn't have to wonder what life would be like if he hadn't left us all.  His sister and brother wouldn't have to wonder what he'd think of his nephews.  And they wouldn't have to look at them everyday, only to know they will never meet their wonderful uncle.  A man that was bigger than any room could hold.  Maybe that's why he's not here anymore.  He was just too big for this world. 

Monday, February 9, 2004

Grrrrrly Doc

I have an appointment with the girly doctor tomorrow at and ungodly time.  Now, it's not the appointment that I mind, it's the ungodly time.  Doc's offices shouldn't start their first appointment until after noon. 

I'm sitting here, trying to think of what I was going to say but keep getting interupted by a certain little bird named Ellie.  She's trying to eat the keys off the keyboard.  Good gawd, I need less animals.  I'm constantly saying, 'stop that' 'get out of that' 'be quiet.'  I really didn't even mean to start talking about the animals, it just happens that way.  I figure, it's my journal, my life, I'll talk about whatever I darn well please. 

AOL is looking for their next journal's of the week.  I think we all get a little disappointed when someone on the boards says, 'hey I just got nominated.' We sit here and think, 'well what was wrong with mine?'  At the very least, the AOL people don't always choose the most popular journal's.  I think that's nice.  It's like you don't have to be the popular kid in school to win an award.  Ok, I'm going now.  If you all couldn't tell, I'm really bored and just needed something to do.

Sunday, February 8, 2004


I recieved very sad news today from the animal protection coalition.  One of the horses had to be put to sleep.  You could just tell by looking at his pictures that he was a sweet boy.  We can take solace in the fact that he was shown love and kindness in his last days, which is more than he'd ever recieved prior to coming to the apc.  For those of you who are not familar with proper horse care, Apache's hooves were very poorly cared for.  This was not just a few months of neglect and abuse, this was years.  It takes a long time for hooves to look like this and with just 20 dollars every few months, his previous owners could have prevented this from happening.  Please, keep him in your thoughts and the people that cared for him as well.  For more on Apache please visit

Venting and Pet Peeves

Ok, I go to take a shower the other day and my towel is not where it's supposed to be.  Someone has taken my towel to use as their own.  This is MY dirty towel, mine, mine, mine.  I confronted said person this evening and they gave a very poor excuse.  "I didn't know whose towel it was.  Mine was in the dirty clothes."  Now please tell me, does that give this person the right to use MY towel?  I should think not.  I wasn't the one who got into the shower without looking for a clean towel and I wasn't the one who put their perfectly good towel in the dirty clothes.  Now, I don't have many "pet peeves" but this one just entered my very short list. 

Rabbit Woes

I was having a panic attack yesterday.  I checked on all my animals at night, as I usually do.  I got to the rabbits cages and just knew something wasn't right with my young doe.  Now, if just anyone had looked at her, they would've thought she looked perfectly normal, because really, she did but I just knew.  I went to pull her out of her cage and she didn't run away from me or even act startled.  I took her with me over to the couch and sat with her for a while, not really sure if there was something or wrong or if she was just tired.  About the time I was getting ready to take her back to her cage, I noticed that my leg felt a little wet.  I didn't think anything of it, I've had worse on me than rabbit pee.  But when I looked closer, I noticed it was blood and mucous.  A lot of times, this means that they have uterine cancer.  The only way to prevent uterine cancer in a female rabbit, is to have them spayed.  My rabbit isn't even old enough to be spayed.  I talked to one of the women that I work with and she said not to worry, that one of the rescue bunnies was just having the same thing and that it's probably just her cycle.  I shouldn't worry unless it lasts more than a few days.  I'm still a little on the worried side though.  She's not really eating and she just looks uncomfortable but she is drinking water.  I'm just hoping for the best.

If you haven't seen Secondhand Lions yet, you should definitely rent it or even buy it.  DH thought it was going to suck and even he had to admit that it was a really good movie.  It's definitely on the list of must sees.  If you watch it and hate it, I really will be shocked.  I'd like to rent it on video for my grandpa to watch.  This is one of those movies for all ages.  Ok, I'm done doing my movie review now. 

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Baby when?

Right now I'm rather confused.  I don't know what I want or whether what I want is right or wrong.  It's hard for me to explain, since I can't figure it out myself.  A little less than a month ago, I thought I was pregnant.  Now before this happened, I wasn't so sure I wanted kids.  I kept thinking how dirty they are, and sticky and time consuming, etc., etc.  Basically, I was thinking of all the bad things.  But after I had realized I wasn't pregnant, I wasn't sure what I wanted.  Now, there's a part of me that actually wishes I had been pregnant and wants to get pregnant.  But then there's the practical part of me saying that me and DH can't possibly do this NOW.  We're not finacially stable, we still live with my mother and there's many other factors telling me that this is not a good idea but this little part of my brain just doesn't care about all those issues.  Am I completely crazy or what?  Of course, I still need to talk to DH about all these things.  I just thought I'd feel differently in the morning but there have been many mornings and I haven't felt differently yet.  I talked to my mom a little bit about it but I guess she doesn't have a whole lot of advice to give at 3 o'clock in the morning.  I used to worry about putting on weight and getting fat while pregnant and how unattractive it all is and now when I think of those things, I think how wonderful it is.  What the hell is wrong with me?  How do people know when they're ready for this type of commitment?  How long till this feeling goes away?  Because I don't know how much longer I can deal with it before I give into it.  I was so sure I was pregnant and I started looking forward to it, imagining the baby and just everything that would happen afterwards.  I almost feel like something was taken away from me when I didn't have it in the first place.  I know I'm not ready for this so again, what the hell is wrong with me?  I'm going to bed, once again, hoping I'll feel differently in the morning. 

Friday, February 6, 2004

I Lied

I guess I lied when I said it had to get better today.  First thing I woke up to, a puddle of urine on my bed.  Friday's are the worst days this could possibly happen, it's store day.  On store day, I wait till the very last minute to get up and then have to rush out the door with no time to spare.  In other words, the puddle had to wait till I got home.  Now, at first sniff, I believed the puddle to be from the dog.  (she peed on my couch not two weeks ago, grrrr) On second sniff, and once I was actually awake, I realized, it was indeed, cat urine.  I would've prefered it had been the dog.  Needless to say, the washing machine was busy.  I got all the blankets and sheets in the washer and dryer and decided to take a little nap.  Usually, during the day, I can fall asleep within minutes, today was not a usual day.  The budgies decided today would be a good day to squawk at the cockatiel upstairs.  Now, normally I would've just went into my bedroom and went to sleep, but all the blankets were in the washer and the dryer.  So, for about the course of an hour, I laid on the couch repeatedly yelling shut up.  If Ellie had been downstairs at the time, she would indeed have mastered those two words. 


It must just be one of those days.  Everything and everyone is getting on my nerves.  I swear, if one more animal tries to kill me by running under my feet, I really will scream.  One of our cats, Tuffy, does figure eights through my legs alllll the way up the stairs.  I really think he's out to kill me.  And of course, today of all days, Ellie is in a pissy mood.  She has spent the day on my shoulder nipping and squawking into my ear.  Then I put her back in her cage only to get a bunch of kissy noises as if to say 'Mommy, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it' only to take her back out and get bit again.  The dogs aren't listening to a word I say.  It's as if they've forgotten that they're trained.  The word sit has apparently been translated in their brain to bark, jump and make lots of noise, oh yeah, don't forget to break stuff.  I'm trying hard to keep calm and not snap anyone's neck in the process.  I just keep thinking, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better.  I don't know if I'm happy that tomorrow is Friday or not.  Weekends just mean that people will be home from work and here, running around me in figure eights, only they're not trying to kill me, they're trying to drive me crazy.  But then the weekend will end and I'll wish that they were all back here with me.  Life is strange. 

Thursday, February 5, 2004

Not much new

Soon the budgies will be introduced to the rest of the flock.  I'm sure it will be a very noisy introduction.  The only bird I have that is quiet, is my little senegal, Ellie.  I'm thankful everyday that at least one of them is quiet.  This weekend we're going to have to go get more perches and such.  I need to move some of the budgies into a new cage before they kill eachother.  It's hard to know who gets along with who since they're in such a small cage.  I wish I had another cockatiel cage, then they could all stay together. 

This weekend we'll be bringing the goat, Belle, into the house for a hoof trimming.  She's long overdue and with temperatures being what they are, there's just no way we can comfortably do it outside.  I'll be putting all the breakables away before she comes in. 

The cat, Sweety, with the hurt eye seems to be doing better.  She pouted for a few hours after we flushed her eye but eventually got over it.  I was really worried she would have to go to the vet and we so cannot afford it right now.  When we get our tax check back we'll be taking DH's border collie into the vet.  She's been missing hair around her for months now.  We were hoping it would just go away on it's own but no such luck. 

Ellie has yet to say anything or even attempt to.  She can do the dog call whistle.  I don't know what it's called.  One person on one of my yahoo groups called it the backwoods whistle.  (weee ooorrrr weeeet) I've tried getting her to do the wolf whistle but she'll only do that when we're not in the room.  I just happened to pass the bird room one day and heard her doing it perfectly.  I'm getting ready to give her a bath right now.  In other words, I take a shower and she stands on the curtain rod and hopes not to get wet.  She thinks she'll melt if the water touches her. 


Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Animal updates

The budgies are settling in nicely.  I've fallen in love with each and everyone of them and don't see myself giving up any of them any time soon even though DH would like to see most of them go to new homes.  My favorite is the little disabled one.  She has been picked on to the point that she's missing patches of feathers and has a large cut in her cere.  She also has a toe that has been bent backwards.  I'm not sure if she was born with that or if it happened later.  She's definitely staying here with me, there's no doubt about that.  They eat like huge pigs.  I've had them since Saturday and they've eaten two treat sticks and a full cup of food.  My parrot doesn't even eat that much and she could eat them

I woke up this morning to my mom asking if I wanted to go with her to the hospital to visit my grandpa.  Then hearing her go omigod, what happened to Sweety?  Sweety is my kitty by the way.  I sat up and saw her eye was swollen shut and gunked up.  After cleaning off her eye, it was obvious that there had been a cat fight and she lost.  I don't think her eye is cut, I think it's just the eyelid but I bought a saline solution to clean out her eye and I'm going to watch it closely for infection or reddening.  It's kind of ironic too because I just told DH last night that I wanted to trim all the cats nails today to avoid just such a thing happening.  I frequently trim there nails as they're indoor only but have fallen behind this last month and let their nails get long and sharp.  Poor sweet cat.

Ellie has been stuck to me all day.  She has insisted on being on my shoulder since I got home.  She is actually on my shoulder sleeping right now.  I couldn't get her to go into her cage, even for peanuts.  I'm not sure what her problem is just yet.  Maybe she's a little jealous of the 5 little budgies.  Silly bird.

Lung Surgery

My grandpa had surgery yesterday (Monday) to remove a portion of his lung that was cancerous.  We were at the hospital for almost 12 hours and most of that was spent waiting and wondering.  They had to remove a small portion of 3 of his ribs because the cancer had grown through his lungs and into them.  The surgeon seemed very hopeful that they had gotten it all.  All and all, everything seems to have went well.  He's in a little bit of pain which is to be expected after having all that done.  He has a chest tube coming from his side to drain blood and any other build up of fluids.  He was obviously nervous the day of the surgery but now that it's over he seems better.  You can tell by looking at him that there's not a tumor sucking the life out of him.  He's actually got some color right now.  He's got a great nurse, who frequently checks in just to see if he wants or needs anything. 

I was fine all through his surgery.  I sat with my uncles, grandma and my mom and talked, joked and told stories.  I think that's just my way of dealing with things.  Once we were finally able to go see him, I was relieved.  He was in recovery and we were only allowed to stay for 5 or 10 minutes.  I was ok, standing there talking to him, and asking the nurse questions that is until my mom said that he was having blood drained from him.  I guess if I had been expecting it, I would've been fine.  But I had no idea that he would still be bleeding and have a tube coming out of him.  I got a little dizzy, a little hot and then me and my aunt both had to leave the room... quickly.  I got about halfway to the waiting room before I had to sit down and put my head in between my legs.  A nurse walked by, made me get up and walk into the waiting room, which by then was full of people.  I sit back down, in the first chair that was open and a volunteer made me get up and lay on a couch.  I'm going to send that sweet old woman flowers.  She was so nice to me and stayed with me the whole time.  Obviously, today the chest tube didn't faze me at all.  The fainting thing happens quite frequently with me so don't be surprised to hear more of it in the future.

Sunday, February 1, 2004

Yahoo Owner/Moderator

I am very unhappy with a certain woman on a certain yahoo group.  I won't mention her or the group.  I will attach all the letters that have been sent back and forth between myself, her and the group.  I had to send a letter to the group on my own because she didn't approve my letter to be sent to everyone.  I copied 737 emails and sent out this letter to every single one of them.  That's how mad I was and still am at this woman.  Right now I don't care if she does kick me off the group.  I swear, this first letter was the ONLY letter I had sent to her.  Until... she wrote back that I was obnoxious.  And then I decided I'd send her something back but I never said anything that would or shoudl have caused my letter to have not been approved.  It was total BS.  Thank you for letting me vent publicly to you all.  You must start several entries down at the first letter. 

Final Letter

How is it that you can justify not approving my message when I did nothing wrong.  I never said that I was against breeders and even if I had, I don't think having an opinion other than your own is a reason to not approve me.  I just said that I was not going to buy from a breeder.  Meaning, I wanted to rescue an animal in need, an animal that otherwise might die.  Have I said that is the breeders fault?  No.  It's the people who buy the animals from the breeder and then don't take care of them.  So again, tell me why I'm not approved?  Because you're in a bad mood because something that someone else posted on a completely different list??  What, you don't have complete control over that particular list so you figure you'll take it out on someone else?  And apparently you don't follow your own rules.  I'm sure if someone on the list called you obnoxious, you'd have a problem with that.  Yeah, I thought so.  And for your information, my letter was approved, by me and it GOT sent to the people on the list, just not through the list.  Oh, did I mention, I sent your sweet little letter along with it.  Maybe next time you'll think before you write someone.  You, lucky for the rest of us, do not have complete control over who we send what to and when.  YOU gave breeders a bad name by writing that letter in the first place.  Telling off someone when you had no right and reason to do so.


Letter to The Group

I'm writing this letter in hopes of understanding our list owners reasoning.  I wrote a letter this evening, asking for help on finding a pet.  I never said anything against ANYONE and yet, she will not send my letter on past herself.  I don't think this is fair, so I decided to send it on anyway, without her and to send her response to my letter as well.  I think everyone has a right to know that their opinions and views do not matter to the list owner, only hers.  If you have an opinion or view that differs from hers, she will not post your letter to the list.  I said I wouldn't buy from a breeder.  I didn't say, I have anything against breeders or that breeders should be put out of business, I just wanted to save a purebred that is already born out there and needing a forever home.  I thought that was what this list was about.  Saving animals but apparently our list owner doesn't feel that way.  And I thought we were supposed to be respectful of others feelings and opinions AND treat the person themselves with respect.  I guess she forgot the No Flaming rule.  Now, had one of us called another "obnoxious" we could have been terminated from the list and would have gotten a warning from the list owner herself.  The rules apparently don't apply to her.  Guess it should state that in the rules so the rest of us are forewarned.  Thank you for reading this.  I just wanted to warn all the other good people out there that are just trying to do a good thing.  Careful what you say about breeders to this woman and be careful what you say on this list in general.  Jamie

My First Letter

  My Letter

I never thought I'd be posting looking for cat through this list.  I figured I'd always just be posting cats needing homes.  But my mom asked me to help her find a cat.  Unfortunately I'm having the hardest time locating any rescues that specialize in these cats.  Sooooo, I thought my good Persian friends could help.  I'm looking for a Birman, pure breed or mix, doesn't matter.  As long as it has the Birman "look."  Does anyone know of any rescues that do these cats or anyone that is looking to place a Birman?  We will NOT buy from a breeder and will look for as long as it takes to give a good cat a good forever home.  We have no preferences other than it be a Birman look-a-like.  Thanks everyone!

List Owners Response

I salute your willingness to rescue, but have you considered how
obnoxious your statement sounds to most of us who are or have been
breeders? Or how irrational it is? Purebreds are a MINISCULE part of
a % of the 71 million cats in the USA. If you want a Birman, you
better thank breeders.. since there would be NO Birmans without

However, I suggest you not make such an obnoxious statement to them


Budgies Babies are Home

My babies are home!  They are all so young.  I didn't think they'd be that young!  I think they are fighting a little because one is missing some feathers.  It's either that or her friend is overpreening her.  She same bird, with the missing feathers, has a deformed toe.  Probaby something that happened shortly after she was born.  Her "thumb" toe, bends the opposite way it's supposed to.  She doesn't seem to have many problems with it that I can tell though.  There's only one that seems semi-tame.  The rest are going to need some work.  They're all very good looking birds and good eaters too!  Ellie is a little jealous but with time she'll get used to them.