Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Raining Cats and... Cats

There's a very good possibility that the little female stray is pregnant.  She's really way too young to be having a litter of kittens.  This is probably her very first heat.  I was fairly hopeful that she wouldn't be prego but now I'm having my doubts.  The reason for that is, suddenly there's more strays outside my door.  Which usually means there's a cat somewhere in heat or was recently in heat.  Gee, I wonder where there's a female unspayed cat that could've went into heat?  Me and my mom were watching "In a fix" and heard cats outside fighting.  One of them was our only indoor/outdoor cat, Scardy. He can usually be found patrolling the yard and making sure no unauthorized cats enter his territory.  I ran outside, barefoot (apparently my brain thought it had suddenly turned into summer overnight) and found a ball of fur rolling around, hissing and growling.  I first tried the 'here kitty, kitty' obviously not going to get their attention.  I then attempted the hysterical screaming 'you two knock it off!' again, no results.  I followed the ball of fur across the driveway where they stopped for a breather and to stare at one another.  This time when I called here kitty kitty, the stray started to come to me, only to be attacked by my cat once again.  From what I saw of him though, he looks like a purebred Russian Blue.  Basically, he's a really pretty colored gray cat.  I eventually found Scardy in the barn licking his wounds.  He's getting older and isn't quite the tom cat he used to be, don't tell him that though.  I carried him in the house and cleaned his wounds and left a note not to allow him outside no matter what type of deal he tries to make for a pardon.  He can go back out in a few days.  Hopefully, the other cat will have given up on finding a girlfriend by then.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like never a dull moment at your house! LOL

Anonymous said...

It does sound like there's never a dull moment. There aren't many strays in Las Vegas. At least not the areas near where I am. ~Erica