Monday, February 16, 2004

Blinkie, Blinkie, Blinkie

I've become a blinkie fanatic within a matter of minutes.  I came upon a site, a site dedicated to all blinkie's, and haven't looked back.  Now I can't decided which blinkie's to use and when to use them!!!  This aol journal thing has become a curse.  I'm obsessed with graphics, clipart AND blinkie's now!!!  It's an addiction!  I need a twelve step program!!!!  Ahhhhhhh!Ok, I'm semi-calm now.  I've returned from the land of crazy.  Believe it not, I'm actually very tired right now.  I started looking at blinkie's and lost track of time.  It's almost 5am!  There was something I wanted to blink, uh, I mean say, blink blink blink, but for some strange reason, I can't remember, blink, what it was.  I need a back rub, or a better computer chair.  This one I have now is like sitting on cement.  So, back to my life as a crazy person.  LOL  I still have so many animals to feed and it's sooooo late!  I really shouldn't even be sitting here writing anymore.  I should be getting off my butt to feed them all.  Me and DH went all over the place today and I forgot we need animal food!  He's gonna be mad in the morning when I tell him we're going to have to go out after he gets home to do some more shopping.  Plus, Ellie is out of fruit, veggies AND peanuts.  She'll go plain nuts without her peanuts.  We've recently had a bug outbreak.  I'm really getting sick of these bugs.  If it's not one bug, it's another.  These are little seed eating bugs.  Perfectly harmless to me and the birds but they're eating all the bird food!  On top of that, they are everywhere!!!  On my bed, clothes, just everywhere.  I'm waiting for a few bird people to write me back and tell me how to get rid of them without killing my birds.  That's the only thing I dislike about birds.  You have to be really careful about the products you use around them.  They're extremely sensitive to chemicals and such.  I can't even burn scented candles around them.  Which I hate because I'm a candle fanatic.  Oh well.  I'm going to let the seed bugs bite now.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Just came across your journal recently. I know exactly what you mean. I think I'm becoming addicted to playing w/ graphics and blinkies too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love those blinkies and animated graphics too. I've started using them in my journal entries. It's so much fun!! I have found the best site ever. Let me know if you want the url for it. :-) *lila*

Anonymous said...

i have a collection of blinkies as well, i'm sure you know that already being a member of pinksparkle's place LOL!