Tuesday, February 17, 2004


I swear this is the last entry tonight.  I'm sitting here on the computer and my dog is downstairs barking, and barking, and barking.  I just blow it off.  I hear the engines outside but just figure some trucker got lost and now he's checking his route.  Of course, my dumbass, doesn't bother to get up, just to be sure that's what it is.  I get done on here and go downstairs to use the bathroom, only I don't make it that far.  All I can see out my windows is red and white flashing lights.  They're from the fire engines that are everywhere in my neighbors yard.  Apparently, while I was sitting here in journal land, minding my own business, my neighbors house caught fire.  At least that's what I'm assuming.  The firemen are out there getting pretty annoyed with the neighborhood, I'm sure.  See, when something happens out here in our little area (it's full of dead ends and we all know eachother real well) we all come out of our little houses, get in our little cars and go to see if it was someone we cared about that lost their house or worse.  Now, the firemen don't much care for this, we get in their way and they think we're just being nosy.  I guess in a way we are but we really care about these people out here and just want to offer them support and comfort if we can.  I know a great deal of those guys that are out there fighting what's left of this fire and most of them are pretty understanding about this type of thing but it still gets under their skin.  Thankfully, most of the caring neighbors that have come out, have thanked the firemen for getting out here so quick and just doing their job in general.  The guys like to hear that, especially since they're all volunteers in our community.  No, our firemen don't get paid to do this, they do it because they care.  I know most firemen do it because they care as well, I'm not putting down the ones that do get paid.  I just think the volunteers should get an extra little applause once and a while.  I'll let ya'll know how my neighbors are tomorrow, when I talk to them. 


Anonymous said...

Adding your journal to my "other journals" section,, shame on me for not having it there before,, you should slap me LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Shame on ME, I don't have your's on here!!!! I've gotten behind on those recently! I've been meaning to completely redo the whole "other journals" area but keep putting it off. It's one of those, well it's boring and I'll do it later things! I promise it'll be there soon! At the top even!!!

Anonymous said...

I used to live in a small town where everyone knows each other, and that's the #1 thing that I really miss. It's nice isn't it?

Anonymous said...

yes Jamie all the pics were taken here in Germany,, we bought Gizmo and Panther here in Germany...so yes we got to have them here,, cute aren't they!! I love them Sooooooo much!