Friday, February 6, 2004


It must just be one of those days.  Everything and everyone is getting on my nerves.  I swear, if one more animal tries to kill me by running under my feet, I really will scream.  One of our cats, Tuffy, does figure eights through my legs alllll the way up the stairs.  I really think he's out to kill me.  And of course, today of all days, Ellie is in a pissy mood.  She has spent the day on my shoulder nipping and squawking into my ear.  Then I put her back in her cage only to get a bunch of kissy noises as if to say 'Mommy, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it' only to take her back out and get bit again.  The dogs aren't listening to a word I say.  It's as if they've forgotten that they're trained.  The word sit has apparently been translated in their brain to bark, jump and make lots of noise, oh yeah, don't forget to break stuff.  I'm trying hard to keep calm and not snap anyone's neck in the process.  I just keep thinking, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better.  I don't know if I'm happy that tomorrow is Friday or not.  Weekends just mean that people will be home from work and here, running around me in figure eights, only they're not trying to kill me, they're trying to drive me crazy.  But then the weekend will end and I'll wish that they were all back here with me.  Life is strange. 

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