Friday, February 6, 2004

I Lied

I guess I lied when I said it had to get better today.  First thing I woke up to, a puddle of urine on my bed.  Friday's are the worst days this could possibly happen, it's store day.  On store day, I wait till the very last minute to get up and then have to rush out the door with no time to spare.  In other words, the puddle had to wait till I got home.  Now, at first sniff, I believed the puddle to be from the dog.  (she peed on my couch not two weeks ago, grrrr) On second sniff, and once I was actually awake, I realized, it was indeed, cat urine.  I would've prefered it had been the dog.  Needless to say, the washing machine was busy.  I got all the blankets and sheets in the washer and dryer and decided to take a little nap.  Usually, during the day, I can fall asleep within minutes, today was not a usual day.  The budgies decided today would be a good day to squawk at the cockatiel upstairs.  Now, normally I would've just went into my bedroom and went to sleep, but all the blankets were in the washer and the dryer.  So, for about the course of an hour, I laid on the couch repeatedly yelling shut up.  If Ellie had been downstairs at the time, she would indeed have mastered those two words. 

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