Sunday, February 22, 2004

Was I born in Catnip??? Part 1

I woke up today, with the intent on relaxing. I figured I deserved it after the night I had, right? Well, someone else apparently had other plans for me. I was laying in my room with my legs up on pillows, watching the Rockingham race, or at least getting ready to. I heard our dogs outside barking and I lifted Mia, DH's dog, up to look out the window. I wasn't looking for anything really, just goofing off with the dog. All of the sudden, this animal goes flying across my pasture. At first, I figured it was a bunny, that is, until it climbed up a tree and then I was pretty sure it was a cat, unless bunnies can suddenly climb. I got my shoes on and grabbed a jacket and set out for the field. My mom had been outside feeding horses and I asked her if she'd seen it and she said 'How could I not? He was in here fighting with Scardy.' I continued out to the pasture, hoping the cat was still in the tree and hadn't fled yet. He was up the tree all right. And crying to get down. Cats are born with claws, you'd think they'd learn how to use them. Me and my mom stood at the bottom of the tree for a good ten minutes trying to teach this cat the proper way to get down. Eventually, he got close enough that I could grab his neck. I always brace myself for the claws that are about to be dug into me and the teeth that are about to be snapping at my face but this one, he never even hissed. I could smell the gasoline and oil on him as soon as he was in my arms. I knew immediately, this cat had been sleeping inside of an engine recently. I carried him to our bathroom, only to find out, he is actually a she and an unspayed she at that. My initial plan had been to bring it in the house, clean it up, get him/her some food and water and let him back outside. But I am not about to be responsible for this cat having a litter of kittens, especially considering the cat probably doesn't have a home and is planning on making her home here. Then, I'd be stuck with a female cat AND her kittens, no thank you. Now though, I had to clean out a cat cage for her and find something to put kitty litter in. 


Anonymous said...

tried growing catnip in my house once,, as you can imagine it didn't work out to well! :)

Anonymous said...

I can imagine Brit!!!!! Omigod! LMAO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a big heart you have to take the kitty in. Sounds like she was in need of help. See, she knew were to go to get it, right to you! I wrote an entry in my journal today about my horse, It made me kind of sad.