Wednesday, February 11, 2004

EARLY!! Ugh I hate morning

I actually fell asleep last night!!!  But I woke up after a few hours and now I can't go back to sleep.  Guess I'm doomed to be a bit loopy the rest of the day.  Sometimes when I don't get enough sleep, I'm a little, uh, goofy.  hehe  AND it's not even 8am yet and that cockatiel is ALREADY squawking!

I've gotten my record comments today!  3!!!  Why did it have to be my most depressing entry so far though?  I check this thing everyday and tell myself, *sigh* one day I too will be a popular journal person.  I'm doing the "i think i can, i think i can."  I feel like I can only write about animal stuff because I stupidly, thought that was all I would want to talk about.  I wonder if it really matters what I talk about.  It's MY journal, right?  I just don't want to dissapoint the animal loving people out there, who find my journal and are like 'I don't want to hear about HER, I want to hear about the animals.'  Well, too bad because I wanna talk about me. 

Oh, that's bad.  Ellie (my senegal parrot for you newcomers) just went back to sleep.  That's really bad when you get up earlier than the birds.  It's not too early for the cats though!  They've turned my bedroom into the Indy 500 this morning.  Whew, glad I wasn't in that bed when those claws ran across it.  Shoot, I'm not supposed to talk about the animals.  Hmph, maybe next time.  Afterall, I will be awake for a looooooong time today so I can write and write and write in my journal.  Won't you all just love that?  hehe... Ok, yeah, it's time for me to go run laps with the cats or something.

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