Sunday, February 22, 2004

Long, Long Day.. part 1

Good god, I just wrote a whole journal entry, just to get booted when I went to save it. Aol, if you're out there, I'm deleting your beta and I won't be testing again... ever. Onto what I came here for 20 mins. ago. Today was a very long day. A terrible, no good, very bad day. I spent most of the day with my mom, shopping. Our last stop was to Walmart. Of course, me being the sucker for animals that I am, always has to go check up on their fish. Usually they're in horrible condition, I bitch, they promise to fix the problem and nothing ends up getting done. When I got back there today, there were 3 itsy bitsy frogs. They weren't even what I'd call "adult" frogs. I knew they'd die if I left them so of course, I brought them home with me. I also bought 2 algea eaters and a gravel cleaner. For those of you who have no idea what that is, it sucks up water and all the yucky stuff from the gravel, without sucking up the gravel. It worked pretty well too I might add. We come home and it's about 11pm. I start to make the fish tank clean for the little froggies. My mom went out to feed the horses... moments later she came in the house screaming that all of our horses are missing. (we have 3) The boys took off in DH's truck to go look for them, while me and my mom set off on foot. We eventually ended up following all the hoof tracks through our neighbors yards. We never thought anyone would actually be awake to see us doing this but we were wrong. As we came out of one yard, a bright spotlight was on us and a cop was asking what we were doing. He was very nice. He gave us a number to call for dispatch and they'd call us if anyone reported any 3,000lb animals running around. By this time, it's getting really late. We've all but given up hope for the night.


Anonymous said...

I get so mad at these stores too that don't have a clue about their fishes. There always seems to be floaters in the tank. The little frogs sound so cute. My ds collected tadpoles last summer and kept them till they turned into frogs, it was neat to see them transform over time.

Anonymous said...

Tadpoles are cute. I saw some newts recently that I thought were adorable.