Thursday, February 12, 2004


Last night, I'm thinking, I should be able to sleep pretty good considering I woke up at 5am and only got 5 hours of sleep.  I was sadly mistaken.  I went to sleep at midnight, only to wake up at 4am and I mean I was wide awake.  I'm going to need a lot of caffeine to get me through today.  I can tell already that I'm going to end up taking a little nap.  It can't be helped.

I really didn't do much yesterday, considering I had the whole day to do whatever needed to be done.  I basically just did my best to stay awake.  I decided to move the budgies... yet again.  I had three of them in with the cockatiel, thinking that maybe he was just in need of a friend and that would shut him up.  It only seemed to make him louder than before.  Plus, I swear he was trying to kill them.  I moved them into their own cage next to the other two budgies.  I put the tiel's cage next to his previous roommates.  And you know what?  He was finally quiet.  Apparently, he didn't want them living with him but he doesn't want to live without them either.  He sat at the bottom of his cage all day, as close to them as he could get and didn't say a peep.  I swear, it was like the sun had just come out for the first time in months.  It was so nice to finally hear silence.  You have no idea what it's like to have a bird that squawks all day long, nonstop.  It really makes you want to pull your hair out.  Go figure, now that he's quiet, I can't stay asleep.  Before, I used to wake up a thousand times because he wouldn't shut up. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I thought I would leave a comment, instead of just reading your very interesting journal! I admire what you are doing with the animals. Big animal lover here too! We only have a cat & a gerbil, our hamster died last month. If I lived on a farm I would have alot more! You are doing a wonderful thing taking care of all those critters! :-) *lila*